Forum › Posts by Wellhello

joined Dec 5, 2019

It's a good doujin. In the end to run away from the condition of secondary characters of a ecchi manga, she became the protagonist. Is fun, that she straight attacked the other girl.
I think this idea works and could be a good series.

Now even though the majority of the harem mc aren't beautiful, the reason the girls fall for them, is not appearence, but because of the personality or because the mc is someone or did something important to them. Usually harem's start with the fact that the mc is a good person, with a hearth of gold and help anyone in need, no mattering who is the person and is friendly with everyone. So he starts being friend with a bunch of girls, that lately become attract to him, because he's good for them. I would even say that in a lot of harem's, the girls matter more than the mc. The MC is more of a vehicle to give them happiness, than the opposite.

The boy of this doujin, is not a good harem MC.
I'm trying to think how this cardboard mc, have a popular series. Like he doesn't seem to care about the girls or even have some interesting personality traits. He wouldn't be popular. Maybe the series was popular, because of the girls since the beginning, so no one cared when he was cut-off

last edited at Dec 5, 2019 1:09PM