Forum › Posts by BananasOnSunday

joined Dec 3, 2019

Isn't the father supposed to be a jerk?

I wouldn't assume the writer truly feels that way

But its not just that he believes it, its that he was proven "right" that makes the writers garbage

joined Dec 3, 2019

But what I REALLY SERIOUSLY HATE, and I say this as a STRAIGHT MAN, is when male writers think lesbians "just haven't met the right guy". People can't be 'turned' like that! You can't just "charm" a (clearly) lesbian into falling for a man, any more than I could be talked into being gay!

Y'know how most comic book writers don't make their villains do the things they do cos they personally support destroying the moon with a laser gun?

It's a wildly different thing to portray it being possible to destroy the moon with a laser gun in your story than it is to portray a lesbian as being so only because they haven't met the right man lol, what a ridiculous analogy