Forum › Posts by TiredLazyNGay

joined Oct 26, 2018

Everybody is saying that Igarashi is a b**** for playing with her kohai, crushing her heart, and then asking her to be more than 'just friends' whatever that means.And that being scared of 'social norms' isn't an excuse to hurt someone.
But what I see here is that IF she accepted Chidori's feelings while having a boyfriend is worse or breaking up with her bf having a 'relationship' out of 'curiosity' is even more worst. I think she CAN'T accept Chidori's feeling wholeheartedly without 'social norm' and her fears restraining her, that's why when she understood how dense she was and how much she lead Chidori on she choose to break her heart rather than keep her hoping.
FOR HER MAYBE, she didn't she how she was leading Chidori far away for her precious "social norms" and when she realize she wasn't ready to break 'social norms' for her or she wasn't reflective as much that's why when she was ask 'what were they' she responded what 'she knew what's right according to social norms' after some reflecting MAYBE she broke up with her bf before sending chocolate to Chidori hoping that she would be not too late but she was, when she reach college and visited Chidori under the statement of 'messing with her' she wanted to know if she made the right decision not to chase her after the '1st' rejection . (I mean to be fair they didn't told us how Chidori rejected her it could either she told her she had a gf or that she lost her feelings for Igarashi or that she no longer have any desire to have a relationship with her).
Well one thing for sure she's a useless closet lesbian that lost her chance cause 1.She was denying her feelings too much asin she was Deceiving herself 2.she's too scared to acknowledge Chidori's love 3.She have a damn bf and apparently having a long term relationship with a 'nice guy' is is much nicer than having a forbidden (according to social norms) with a kohai you met a couple of months 4.she was too much of an idiot too not think that someone might snag her away from her after bluntly rejecting her and still gave her chocolate somehow thinking that she will still have feelings for her.
Well it's just my opinion no need for debates

Please discussion 26 Oct 01:26
joined Oct 26, 2018

Wtf. I've ben avoiding this kind of stuff. But I already started reading. And I trusted there was no tag of whatever horror's gonna happen. This is gonna haunt me for days. I really hope there's at least depressing as fuck tag since tragedy would be a spoiler.

Yeah, i was thinking since it has a drama tag it would at least end with someone breaking up with each other one party suffers but didn't expect someone dying

Please discussion 26 Oct 01:22
joined Oct 26, 2018

Ok, someone please explain to me what happened? Cause I'm really confused without knowing hirochan side of the story some butch of theories I can bang with my head
After hirochan became a model she had a less time to spend with her gf pretty much drifted apart and forgot that she was in a relationship, after visiting she didn't feel anything anymore so she didn't reveal to her comodel that they were in a relationship this made chiharu feel conflicted and disordered her memmory with hiro making a promise for her to make her feel a little happier in her life she then died in her bathroom because she took too much meds and was still insomniac later when it was announced hirochan felt guilty since it was her who push her to commiting suicide
*also the possibility of her not knowing she died after leaving town and chiharu unknowingly hunting her
(but if hiro chan didn't feel anything back then why not just break up rather than cruelly continuing their pointless relationship)
B. (most Not likely)
Hirochan wanted to be the best there is in the world so she chooses to work hard and still strive for the best she didn't feel like revealing their relationship with only that much achievement she later was later inform what chiharu's condition, she came back making a promise that wasn't fullfill making both side suffer for emotional attachment.
C. (first impression )
Hiro chan wasn't really in love with chiharu but rather with her self she likes it when she was praise for her good looks so after finally getting in the spotlight she leaves her hanging for a while not letting go (breaking up) nor holding close Chiharu at some point realizes this but force herself to convince that her gf is busy it finally hit her when they meet again and was introduced as her "junior " rather than her "gf" so after she got home she took a couple of meds but still wakes up so she psychologicaly made herself believe that they made a promise to convince herself that getting to the bathroom was simply taking a bath and not suicid hiro chan being a jerk but still human felt guilty after chiharu's death
*the key to ne thinking that the promise wasnt real is when chiharu realizes that she's dead and lsaid that the final time she sees hiro chan is in town not her room
Either way chiharu is eternally suffering because she died with regrets. And hiro chan was the cause..

Sorry for the bad grammar or wrong spelling not use to speaking English