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joined Aug 15, 2018

I don't mind Bisexual at all but I just hate the idea that lesbian sex is "practicing" and "playing around" in order to have "real" straight sex.
Again this is stuff I heard my whole life, that "it isn't sex if there's no penis". So done with that.
But many Yuri stories plot are pretty much hentai so it's not that deep.
Still it's worth being pointed out imo..

joined Aug 15, 2018

Finger licking is definitely hot. It is a sign of submission, mimicking the act.
But do people just stray away like that???
Am I the one who only had heart wrecking break ups?
I feel like if you have such deep feelings for someone you can't just stop talking casually.

joined Aug 15, 2018

That was cute and hot.

joined Aug 15, 2018

I really liked this series. It was cute, funny and the character were well developed. Moreover there was the right amount of romance to keep the reader hooked. A big thank you for the team who worked on this!

joined Aug 15, 2018

Do y'all still think Yoru is straight now?

We need more of Yoru inner show case!!! Like did she enjoy sex with Sei?

Well I understand the theory that she would give Sei sex back then to compensate for her lack of feelings.
But from this episode it doesn't make any sense since she willingly going to Sei and asking her to go to the hotel.
So it seems so, because I think she could get guys that are richer than Sei to take care of her if it was only for money.
But the thing is we never see her blush with Sei when she does with her boyfriends (I checked).
Therefore it might only be sexual for her.. I'm really confused honnestly.

Also I thought Sei would reject her but she just keeps on disapointing.

Idk why but I'm hooked to this manga as there are still so many possible answers and so many emotions involved.
Also I love drama o_o

joined Aug 15, 2018

Do y'all still think Yoru is straight now?

joined Aug 15, 2018

It's true most girls I know can be both top/bottom. However if you're leaning more towards a side and your partner is not fullfiling your "needs", it definitely can be frustrating. Being the biggest bottom, I struggled a lot with that in one of my relationship.
That's why I like reversal stories so much. Heteronormativity usually have people thinking that the more butch girl is supposed to be the top. But it's not always the case hehe

joined Aug 15, 2018

this was really cute

joined Aug 15, 2018

Is Yoru 100% straight though?

She's spaghetti. Straight until wet.

So many of them like that playing with gay girls hearts :'(

Oh yes, really liking this series, love to see more of it

Dubious deeds aside, I gotta say I really like Yoru's style and looks

That's why I'm so obsessed with her!
She is spot on my type, and looks (and acts) like a couple of my exes.. aha

joined Aug 15, 2018

I think that's excusing her behavior a bit. Even if she isn't very sharp, I don't think they had sex for Sei's shake. She didn't want to let Sei completely off, because she was the only person who loved her. But even if she just felt sorry for her, she should have completely let her move on and not add more to the fuel. Maybe this is bad writing and Sei was so in love with her for no reason with Yoru doing the absolute least, but I'm more skeptical about this version rather than Yoru also consciously contributing to it.

Yeah, but Sei was the first person to love her completely. She might not have known how to deal with that. And then when Sei ended up going to her guy, she realizes she done messed up.

Yoru seems like a chaser, so I guess an overwhelming love seemed like she had already won her over? Or even scary?

joined Aug 15, 2018

Is Yoru 100% straight though?
I am longing for some kind of closure between Sei & Yoru.. and also knowing why she was letting her sleep with her??
anim8tur you said it was because she was feeling bad for her. But doing that obviously made things worse...

joined Aug 15, 2018

Finally a work of Mira with some penetration..

Sisters discussion 15 Aug 16:29
joined Aug 15, 2018

I always feel blocked when they're related... Such a shame cause it represents quite a big percentage of the posts :'(