Forum › Posts by glemoyn

joined May 4, 2018

glemoyn posted:

Im trying to find a series that I read a while ago. This is a series where all men died out and the remaining women are going to a school where some are in the Male section and the others are in the Female section. The MCs are two from the Male section.


That would be it :D
Thank you very much.

joined May 4, 2018

Im trying to find a series that I read a while ago. This is a series where all men died out and the remaining women are going to a school where some are in the Male section and the others are in the Female section. The MCs are two from the Male section.

joined May 4, 2018

This is a really nice LN so far, and I cant wait for the updates :)

joined May 4, 2018

Probably Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san.


That would be it for sure, although I didn't realize it was on hiatus though :(

At least i have all her other work now :)

Thank you very much for the help.

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 8:17PM

joined May 4, 2018

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a manga i read a long time ago and wanted to reread.
I believe it was a 4-koma manga, one of the main characters loved dogs, and was very cat like while the other loved cats and was very dog like. I believe their names featured Inu and Neko in some way as well.