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Citrus discussion 04 Mar 02:00
joined Mar 1, 2018

I love you

Love you too!

Also what if this is just an epic acceptance story, and Mei just needs to grow the guts to tell gramps. Cos didn't he catch Mei and Yuzu in a sexual position in the beginning of the story? Yeah He expelled Yuzu, but it was cos he had the wrong opinion of her and didn't want her near Mei since she could be a bad influence. Not cos he doesn't like gays right?? Like wouldn't it be the dream ending if gramps was like 'remember when I told you that you can make your own choices?' and then Mei chooses Yuzu.

Citrus discussion 02 Mar 04:28
joined Mar 1, 2018

Wait how old is Mei again? Why is she already getting married?!

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 05:19
joined Mar 1, 2018

OMG I THINK I KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN. SO, MEI IS GOING TO KEEP WEARING THE RING AROUND HER NECK (on the necklace) AND Then one day the Manager will see it and think that it looks familiar, and he's going to remember Yuzu telling him that the ring was for 'her lover', so he'll assume that Mei is Yuzu's lover! And then he's going to ask Mei about it, and Mei will confess and cry etc. AND THEN he'll let her go and cancel their marriage because he wants her to be happy and to be with Yuzu. So Mei will go back to Yuzu and then... I don't know what. But then I had this idea that maybe the Manager ends up inheriting Aihara academy?? Idk highly unlikely but those are my thoughts :)