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joined Aug 5, 2017

Why this so story is so meta lol.

joined Aug 5, 2017

Here we go again, I am glad that 4 new main character didn't overlap old character. <3

joined Aug 5, 2017

After really hurt and dark story. Author decide to rerun it as comedy.
I died on last page.

joined Aug 5, 2017

i dont care about the shitty bully tho. and yuzu feels alone cuz her parents divorced and her mother is never home. so she feels like love is doomed to end eventually and that no matter what happens she'll end up alone again. she was recovering till this latest bullshit and i just dont see how it tells us something we couldn't have figured out another way. plus, like, yuzumori gets delays a lot and that's fine. shit happens and im not gonna tell an artist what their schedule should be, but it kinda sucks to be waiting for each granular update only for the updates to be the kind of storytelling i feel like is wasting my time.

This make me remember how my brother keep insist me on wait for whole series to come out before read. Because if I get hangup like this one. It wasting much time on how my heart sink to sadness ,wait for new chapter before I can recovery.

joined Aug 5, 2017

Oh god, why I can't have happy end.

joined Aug 5, 2017

I hope kids who hurt Aoi is not Itsuki when kid.
This two have same hair color and style that made me worry.
It would be very confuse and wrong on many level if they are same person.
But I can't keep this off my mind from above reason. Send help.

Aoi's dad also looks like an older version of male Itsuki, so it could either just be a quirk of how the author draws guys, or Aoi is imprinting male Itsuki over all the men in her memories because she's been ignoring guys for so long.

I reread thing which you point out and it is true, men hair style in series is not much diverse, maybe it just author style when draw guy.

joined Aug 5, 2017

I hope kids who hurt Aoi is not Itsuki when kid.
This two have same hair color and style that made me worry.
It would be very confuse and wrong on many level if they are same person.
But I can't keep this off my mind from above reason. Send help.