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Bridesmaid discussion 06 Jun 02:00
joined May 21, 2012

Argh.. eventhough the author doesnt mean to do anything that far about culture&logic, just want to wrote some bad ending as she has claimed.

but still.. that emotional about pressure under our culture and social really hit my heart and it's hurt.

well .. not the same story but im under that feeling too.

in my opinion, human is being that can survive with social system. the more you walk away from social system , the more you can be in danger.

my lover and I have keep our relationship in secret almost ten years now, to avoid any problem we might get. It's easier to live here when the other dont know the truth. sometime i must stand to see and help my lover use some of her friend pretending as he is her lover instead of me.

cruel? .. no, as long as she doesnt do like the bride in this story does, choose me more than that marriage status and her family's hope. like i do for her, it's fine.

; . ; ถึงขุ่นพี่จะบอกว่าแค่แต่งเรื่องขำๆ แต่มันกระแทกใจขุ่นน้องและคนในนี้ดีจริงๆ ขร่ะ /ตบมือออ

Bridesmaid discussion 05 Jun 17:42
joined May 21, 2012

I'm in the same country with this author. *i cant say that it is all truth, it's just from my perspective.

i guess the bride doesn't marry because she is forced(directly). she do it on her own will to satisfy her parent and to be a good/proper person(in social view) for herself.

and why is she do that?? is she an idiot? well .. let me explain somethings before you judge her.

our culture is not that strict that much but still...

mostly i have seen, the parent goal is to make their child be with them to the rest of their life, take care of them when they're old. Bond the child with love and obligation from the day the child born.

so we are not forced directly, But under the spell of "LOVE&DUTY" word from parent.

of cause, we have freedom to choose BUT if you dare to betray their hope... prepare yourself to face them in tears. and what will happen when your important person cry?

as for me, it's hard to find happiness. it's like you need to choose which happiness side you want to keep and you will lose another one.

The bride really love her bridesmate, but love her duty more. she make it CLEARLY and say goodbye. i think sharp and clean wound get recover faster than rough and dirty wound.

sigh ... so, is she an idiot? as for me .. "YES" for not catching up her own and the one she love's happiness , "NO" for trying to live as she want.