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joined Apr 13, 2017

Bro lots of people on Dynasty hates aces seems like. Everytime they appear it's always a trainwreck in the comments. Empathy isn't in abundance around here I guess.

More like hate imo, I think it can give a "no resolution" feeling? Im aroace so I dont see it that way, but people I know when they see stories like these, they tend to expect for a "romatic story with a sweet kiss closing the relationship" (me too just in case, I really like stories like that but I understand this ending too and I like it); since (in a really cruel way to say it) for them it was like if there is not kiss is just all a "game".

No I think everyone’s just hornee. I’m the least ace person but I really like seeing this kinda relationship play out it’s refreshing and sweet for a yuri story.

joined Apr 13, 2017

Bro lots of people on Dynasty hates aces seems like. Everytime they appear it's always a trainwreck in the comments. Empathy isn't in abundance around here I guess.

More like hate imo, I think it can give a "no resolution" feeling? Im aroace so I dont see it that way, but people I know when they see stories like these, they tend to expect for a "romatic story with a sweet kiss closing the relationship" (me too just in case, I really like stories like that but I understand this ending too and I like it); since (in a really cruel way to say it) for them it was like if there is not kiss is just all a "game".

Again that is how I interprete that reactions, so not to think bad~
No I think everyone’s just hornee. I’m the least ace person but I really like seeing this kinda relationship play out it’s refreshing and sweet for a yuri story.

Yuru Yuri discussion 13 Apr 21:15
joined Apr 13, 2017

I know the anime or manga will never have any true romance but I still want to see sakurako's and himawari's relantionship develop because there so fucking cute together >_< <3