Forum › Posts by billborden

joined Mar 31, 2012

biggbran77 wrote

Check Yuri Project, I think they might be working on a oneshot. Unless I'm mistaken they're just waiting on a translator.

Thanks for the info =D

joined Mar 31, 2012

Seravi wrote

I'm a bit confused as to what you're asking. Are you talking about doing one-shots related to Amber Teahouse, one-shots that Fujieda did, or one-shots from Yuri Hime?

Sorry if I wasn't clear;while Dynasty actually did the "Marble Colour" one-shot a few years back, Lililicious has completed everything through Vol 2. At the end of Vol 2, the author's notes suggest there will be further one-shots expanding on the story. Lililicious has already said that they will not be doing these. What I was wondering was if any group was planning/thinking about doing these future Amber Teahouse one-shots. Everything Fujieda does is great, but these are characters and a setting that I have a particular love for. I realize that, with nothing that I know of out yet, they may not be on anyone's radar, but the Yuri-Hime line has enough fans I though it might be worth asking.

joined Mar 31, 2012

Possibly an odd place for this question, but Dynasty has shown some love for Fujieda-san's work before. Lililicious finished the "Chatting at the Amber Teahouse" series, but will not be doing any of the later one-shots; so I was wondering if anyone had heard of any groups that were planning to catch those. I know, a perfect question for the MU-forums, except that they get a bit touchy (for good and justifiable reasons, I'll admit) with questions about scanalations. Considering the wide scope of the Manga-Reader here, I'm guessing that there should be enough forum-traffic so that someone might know something, or at least be able to send me to the next best place to ask. Here's to hoping ;-)