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Untitled discussion 25 Oct 17:56
joined Mar 18, 2012

How is UmiMaki random? When they introduced Maki in the anime they made her say things just like Umi, as if they'd get along great because they're cut from the same cloth. Both are diligent, serious, and talented hard workers. I remember being disappointed there wasn't any doujin for them, it seemed so obvious!

joined Mar 18, 2012

Watching the anime, on episode 10, and I came running looking for what I thought was a sure-fire OTP.

Alas, there isn't even an Eri x Maki tag. D8 D8 D8

Nibble discussion 28 Mar 22:49
joined Mar 18, 2012

wow that cover photo is phenomenal

Kase-san discussion 14 Mar 19:25
joined Mar 18, 2012

It hurt so good, the angst is delicious and that hug, the boob appreciation, and that kiss~!!

I would so buy Kase-san LINE stickers if they exist! Do they exist? Can they exist?

Your Fault discussion 29 Jan 22:20
joined Mar 18, 2012

This was good stuff if you're into angst gut-punching feelings (which I am). I liked the analyses in this thread; the complaints were all a little melodramatic.

This piece is a good reflection of puerile childhood love vs the infatuous lustful love people sometimes crave when they've developed sexually. It was a two-shot, I wasn't expecting any more development from senpai, especially since she was actually only an acting plot device to showcase Kanako's growing interest in sexual relations.

For those who don't understand Ayaka's reaction to seeing an object of her desire entwined sexually with someone else, you obviously don't have a voyeurism/cuckolding fetish ;)

Thanks to the uploaders :D