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joined Jan 11, 2017

No matter how clean you wipe or wash, the moment you fart, all those fecal particles travelling in the aerosol dirties everything again.

Also a hose is disgusting, you'll be spreading all the fecal matter more widely and think about how shitty the hose (and the toilet) is going to be in the first place.

They do sell special alcohol wipes if you really need it to be extremely clean, but remember you'll also be rubbing away the natural oils that protect your anus from drying out and becoming inflamed, sore, broken and itchy.

PS: for those who don't wipe, keep in mind that people around you can actually smell your shit just by standing and know you don't clean up after a dump just by standing nearby, but they are perhaps too polite to break it to you that you smell shitty...

Fair, I do know that fecal particles do get expelled when you fart and wiping/washing won't exactly have everything fully cleaned, that would be kinda impossible. What I meant was at least the visible chunks or sticky fecal material around your anus could be washed away instead of wiping and leaving something there that couldn't be wiped away. Just feels cleaner imo.

For the hose, well, it kinda functions the same as a bidet, since we have a tap just somewhere around the toilet. Not sure if you know, but bathrooms/toilets here don't look like Western toilets, everything is kinda together and shower curtains don't exist, at least that's how it is here. So a hose connected to a faucet is just a cheap bidet.

Alcohol wipes for your bum sounds terrifying, thanks for that image. It also sounds painful, so no, thank you.

Yes, please just...wipe or wash or whatever, no one is gunno judge you for keeping your butt clean, that's such a weird thing to think about. Only you're judging urself for cleaning your own butt, for some reason.

Also, very sorry if I offended anyone, personal preference that washing feels cleaner than wiping . If you wanna wipe or wash, up to you. Cultural differences, people here usually wash and wipe, it's just a thing, bidets are everywhere here, every toilet has one, and if not, then the cheaper version is used. All public toilets have them too and if not the the toilet can probably spray out water. So, to each their own. Again, very sorry if I sounded judgemental or mocking in any way, I wasn't I promise.

joined Jan 11, 2017

You guys are kinda forgetting that Japan has one of the most intricate and high tech toilets out there, with a spray that lets you wash your bum while sitting.

Also, as someone that's from a part of Asia, I think just wiping your bum after doing the deed is gross. Wash your butts people, get a bidet or a hose or something, idk. Don't you feel icky with just wiping? (Of course you don't, you're used to it...)

At least some people wipe their butts, the whole "it's kinda gay to wipe your butt" people can just, no, go away. It's called proper hygiene wtf.

joined Jan 11, 2017

Subaru...I don't think you have any other repertoire than boobs, boob milk and nipple play. What is this repertoire you speak of?

joined Jan 11, 2017
  1. Aren't shark fin foods horrifically unethical? Isn't that a whole thing, that asian fishers just capture sharks, cut off their fins then throw the poor fuckers back in the ocean to die because they can't swim anymore? Kinda weird for such a light-hearted manga to show in a positive light.

That practice is so stupid, because IIRC shark (meat) is actually quite tasty in its own right. Only ever eaten Shark meat once (kinda rare to find it), but it did strike me as delicious.

Okay, as an Asian living in Asia, I can say that yes, the practice is stupid and very harmful. Shark fin soup is actually still being served to this day, however, the good news is, that many restaurants have opted for the cheaper and more ethical option of using gelatin to replace shark fin. They essentially taste the same and it doesn't outright ban the food entirely, so it's a win-win situation for consumers, restaurants and wildlife. It's obvious that the use of actual shark fins are still in practice, but they've dwindled over the years and many have outright banned cutting shark fins. So, even though it's not completely gone, steps are being taken to stop it.

On another note, have tried shark meat before, not a fan, but can see why people like it. The manga is probably referring to the fake shark fin soup that I mentioned that's more common nowadays, since gelatin is way easier to get and easier to handle and prepare. So, fake shark fin soup, go try it, it's nice.

last edited at Dec 17, 2021 10:55AM

joined Jan 11, 2017

Oh wow, for once there's nothing in the comments. Mikanuji is great, love their artstyle. Was reluctant on this one cause it had was in the NO HAPPY ENDING anthology, but it was nice, thank god. Fav'd <3

Mira discussion 12 Sep 20:25
joined Jan 11, 2017

My daughter's girlfriend should have a sequel! I feel like it should, it's one of my favourites, like a few years later into the future or something. Just my thoughts.