Blah blah blah. Break up, hopeless, didn't chase girl but asked for forgiveness but ended up letting go.
Sungji called it quits. She prob felt Sumin didn't fight to stay together much and let's face it, Sumin could have AT LEAST the decency to tell the whole story. It's probably the lies what killed this thing. Sungji seemed so mature to me here, she didn't hesitate, said what she had to and wanted to face Sumin.
Now Seju, I don't know if she knew about the fortune and trip or not. This woman is combination of cunning and beauty. But she finally snapped at the dude so that's good.
Everyone is growing up MINUS Sumin. Same old confused girl who doesn't know what the ef she wants. I don't want Sungji nor Seju to stay with her, run girls, run and don't stop to look back