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Kase-san discussion 13 Aug 14:34
joined Aug 3, 2016

I'm so glad I decided to check in to see if there was an update today. These past few chapters have been filling a Yamada and Kase-san-shaped void in my heart I didn't realize existed.

Kyonne posted:

Someone red-pill me on that ticket bit, i'm too drunk and didn't understand anything there

I think it was a subversion of the reckless act of love trope. Kase-san's laughing because even with a grand romantic gesture, Yamada still made sure to follow the rules and get a ticket first.

Or it could be something else I dunno

My understanding of this is that Yamada was "sensible" enough to buy a ticket, but in the true air-headed fashion it's for the local lines.

There ain't no way a Shinkansen trip to Tokyo costs 120 yen. Hell, in some prefectures flights are cheaper than bullet train rides to Tokyo.

EDIT: Looked it up out of boredom; page 46 mentioned Himeji as well as the Nozomi train. It's about 17,000 yen for an adult's fare from the stop before Himeji to Tokyo (couldn't see the prices for students).

Pretty sure something like this is the case.

Future chapter spoilers
Yamada doesn't actually go all the way to Tokyo with Kase that night