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joined Jul 24, 2016

Is it Sumin's car? (it looks similar to the car she driving to the hospital to see the chairman) well whoever it is, it may imply that in the next chapter the person will interact with Sungji?

Oh yes, it is Sumin's car. Didn't notice that she was driving a black car. But it could also be a different car that's similar to Sumin's. They might interact with Sungji, or not. Let's just hope whoever that is is not up to anything bad.

I also assume she was actually killed. And is that mole guy really her son or nah?

It's very possible that Seju's mother was murdered. The mole guy did mention that it looks like she was strangled to death. Judging from the mole guy's age, and that Seju's mother slept with him, I don't think the mole guy is her son.

Plot twist! Maybe mole guy did sleep with Seju's mom, so he's Seju's real dad. The chairman didn't know about this so he assumed that Seju was his child? (or they didn't sleep together but they had a moment where it makes him feel responsible to look after Seju...) so many possibilties

joined Jul 24, 2016

There are some stuff I didn't get in this chapter.

Mole guy says something about an affair of Conglomerate owner and Secretery. I assume the secretery was Seju's mom? I assume she was actually killed. And is that mole guy really her son or nah?
Also he said that compensated for that scar by giving Sumin revenge over Seju? Does that refer to Sumin using this as a way to make Seju feel bad, or something more happened that Sumin did to Seju and we still don't know.

Right now it seems that Sungi and Seju stories are irrelevant to each other and the only thing common they have is Sumin. But Sungji has to play a role in this situation. They can't make her irrelevant to this plot, so maybe she plays a role in Seju's situation in the future. I just hope noone blackmails her to leave Sumin or anything, and that car in the end is a bit ominous

Ya he meant Seju's mom being the secretary and that his family killed her, but made it look like suicide. I don't think mole guy was her son, basing that he says "Seju's mother" instead of my mother. I feel like Seju is a half sister to the rest of the family, also with the flashblack with mole guy seeing Seju's mother, he seem to be older (not a kid if he really was Seju's mom's son) He seem a bit older than Seju and maybe where he meets Seju's mom has more to do with why he tries to care for Seju (in his own weird ways). I think it's also implied that Seju's mother died around when she was born.

Does Seju's even know that her family killed her mom? I feel like she doesnt because the flashback where she's lying in bed and talking to mole guy she says how her mom gives "mother who gave birth at a place where she's called a mop and irresponsibly dies?" It's sad that I am getting an impression that Seju is in danger by her own family and doesn't know it herself and probably thinks she's hated by mostly everyone.

I think Mole guy giving the scar to Sumin created an situtation where Seju would feel guilty about that and stay around Sumin and which gave Sumin the chances to get revenge the way she wants (but it could be something else that we don't know about, there are still alot of mysterious parts about this story.) This, in my opinion though, makes Seju's story more and more sad to me. Like it seems she has so many bad things happen to her and makes me really want a happy ending for her in general.

I'm not sure if Sungji will be connected to seju's family (and hopefully not cause they cray.) Maybe it's more of a conflict scenario for Sumin, because she loves both of them, but with Sungji being here and Seju needing to go away, she will have a lot of trouble deciding what to do.

The car at the end looks like Sumin's car in this chapter (seems like she switched cars, but she may or may not interact with Sungji)

last edited at Sep 18, 2016 12:35PM

joined Jul 24, 2016

Is this situation hurting Sungji more than it is hurting Sumin?

That's how it looks so far.

That black car, is that Seju's car? The situation is somewhat familiar to when Seju was stalking Sumin and the red hair...

Is it Sumin's car? (it looks similar to the car she driving to the hospital to see the chairman) well whoever it is, it may imply that in the next chapter the person will interact with Sungji?

joined Jul 24, 2016

Hmm..... Seju seems to bring out a lot of love/hate vibes out of people, and I love her complexity for that. So many layers, I don't even mind how she was beng in the elevator, as honest as Sumin was being, she was being honest as well. Completely brutally honest. I mean she didn't have to tell her that just asked Sungji over, or that she wants to fire her (even though I don't think she personally hates Sungji or will fire her, only that she doesn't like Sumin being in love with someone else)

And while most of the attention may be why is Seju trying to go after Sumin or getting in the way, I think I would focus on Sumin (she is one where all these characters circle around) Sumin doesn't push off Seju immediately (only when Seju mentions love which emotionally triggers Sumin because it's true,) she has always went back to Seju multiple times in the past, and throughout the story there is flashbacks of Seju and Sumin which may be that sumin is always thinking back to her first love moments (I don't know if this is the story's narrative for us to understand or really her thinking these memories, the only clue I have is the cotton candy memory, and then after that Sumin looks like she's staring off into space and Sungji asks her what she was thinking about, which makes me believe that it's Sumin thinking about of those memories and having Seju on her mind?)

Would you blame a character like Seju to hold on to the only love she knows in her entire life? It is clearly demonstrated that her whole family hates her, and even Sumin knows this and checks on her after family meetings. Seju's love is unhealthy but not because she's evil, but because she doesn't know any better, she loves sumin, But when the conflicts in their relationship happened, she didn't really know how to handle those and it turn the relationship destructive pretty quickly.

Also Sumin does like Sungji, I would say love too because that's her words (but I don't know if it really because Sumin only may love her because of how Sungji is so loving to her, like I love you because you love me type of thing) Eitherways Sumin's value of love is distorted because she doesn't think she deserves love, because she sees herself as an empty person, and why she didn't beg back for Sungji after being caught cheating and the many failed relationships of the past.

Sumin did the same thing to Sungji that Seju did to Sumin, they cheated and broke someone's heart. I don't know why people aren't more mad at Sumin's behavior and acted the way they did when they found about Seju's cheating.
In both cases Sumin and Seju were both greatly apologetic for cheating.
You know Sumin still wants to be with Sungji just like Seju stil wanted to be with Sumin after the cheating.

I think Sungji senses the complications between Seju and Sumin, and doesn't know how to go on with Sumin without Seju's presence interfering (and I say that on more of Sumin's side for letting Seju be with her, mentally or physically)
Sumin does let Seju be the way she is. We don't know what goes through Sumin's mind when she interacts or thinks about Seju, we only see her guarded actions and assume she doesn't care about Seju in anymore. If that was the case the whole drama of wtdfs would never start.

In the end Sumin needs to really think about how she feels about Sungji or Seju, I don't think she can be with Sungji and have Seju around like she used to in the past and it bothers her.
Seju makes her feel to vulnerable and I think Sumin has been more upset with herself than she is with Seju. She probably didn't like torturing seju all this time and so she doesn't like the person she is with her
Sumin feels like a different person with Sungji, more lighthearted and new.
She just needs to figure out what she wants, what is love for her, and that's what the story is about for me and her character.
Sungji and Seju would also need to figure out their wants and selves after Sumin decides who she wants to be with, and so it may be a healing story for all of them in this term.

last edited at Sep 8, 2016 5:20PM

joined Jul 24, 2016

If healing and them being single MUST go together, I would as well have that idea that Team Gaji would be likely choosing that route. But because them being single is not necessary at all imo, I can't believe Team Gaji will end the story that way. They are suffering because they are in a relationship, so they choose to be single so that they will be not suffering anymore. That isn't a healing imo.

Right now I think a chance of Sumin x Sungji being endgame is 50% . I was 100% sure that Sumin would end up with Sungji until seeing Seju cutting her hair. :D

Lol Seju is pulling out the big guns after cutting her hair XD Now she's serious and kicking down to 50% of unpredictable

joined Jul 24, 2016

Who cares about the long wait, I am just so GLAD that the eng version is now being released at the same time :)))

Not sure who uttered those last words. Was it Sumin or Seju? Would be a little surprised if it was Seju.


I don't think so. I am like 99% sure it's Seju. The "I know" part is hers (from previous convo), as well as the "now I know". Remember that Seju was very surprised when Sumin drop the I love you word to her, because she was always under the impression that Sumin hated her. So it makes all the sense that she said "now I know", because she finally realized Sumin's true feelings to her.

She getting her hair cut short might means that Seju wants to drag Sumin to get back to their old days (back when she has her hair short, bringing back the first love vibe). Because now she knows Sumin still loves her.

I agree with the above statement. ^
I feel like the end of chapter 56 is implying that Seju will try to win back Sumin, Because know she KNOWS that Sumin loves her. I know Sungji will still be around(maybe to be with Sumin again). I don't really know how Sumin feels about everything in general since she didn't really convince Sungji to stay with her.

IF Seju is going to fight for Sumin's love against Sungji, where will this story end for all three characters?

joined Jul 24, 2016

I think Sungi is an extrovert, if going by the definitions that she acts before she thinks (like when she took a taxi impulsively to see Sumin at the funeral home) and also by the definition that she gets her energy from other people because when you think about about it, Sungji is always surrounded by people like at home with her brother and sister in law, at work with coworkers interacting with her, and her free time either with Sumin or her friends. I guess when you think extrovert you think of someone outgoing, expressive and such (maybe like Nami? But since Sungji is more reserved she doesn't appear as a typical extrovert)
In my opinions the extroverts would be Sungji and Nami (act before thinking/ being surrounded by people usually)
the introverts would be Sumin and Seju (think before acting/ often seen be themselves, if not with one other person)
Also I feel like Nami's role in the story was to give some clarity to what Sumin really feels about Seju (like them talking about how Seju is seeing marriage partners, which Sumin seems a little annoyed about, or even Nami straight up telling Sumin that she has feelings for Seju) I do think Nami is very insightful, and she does give some perspective to Sumin as a friend, but she has her own desires (ex. wanting to sleep with seju, which could be a two way test, seeing if she can get with seju and to test the relationship Sumin has with Seju as she sees Sumin and Sungji becoming closer, and wonders if there will be a big obstacle when Sungji, Sumin, and Seju tangle up with each other with their feelings) so in that way she could be trying to look out for Sumin.

Seju doesn't hate Nami, but I feel like they wouldn't get together because she only has eyes for Sumin, and when Nami asked if she disliked her she responded saying she didn't give her much thought. Maybe they will bring in a new character for Seju? I also feel like Nami would remind Seju of Sumin if she tried to go to her after the whole break up with Sumin. THIS IS all if the writer really decides to completely seperate Seju and Sumin.

joined Jul 24, 2016

Probably we'll see Sungji taking action vs Seju trying to screw things over type of situation.

If wdfts goes the same way as many dramas I've watched, then after Seju screws things up, and becomes so unlikable, she will have an amnesia. Maybe the healing is about Sumin starting a new, and Seju completely forgeting her sadistic past. If it's not that, I really can't think of another way to heal Seju. Nami? Oy, no.

In chap. 50, it explains there why Sumin's relationships failed. It is not Seju but Sumin herself. Concentrate on the conversation on her head with Nami and Saehyun.
The sadistic past? I think it is more of Sumin. It was Sumin who slapped and punched Seju on the face. That is why, Saehyun hurt Sumin physically because she hurt Seju physically too. Seju can't go out for days because of "black eye". Hehehe... That was not moping or dying. Hahaha...

If you are referring to chap.55 where she pushed down Sumin, well, let us do "empathy" here rather than "opinion". For ten years, she was hurting seju by being with different women and even making Seju hear the "making out" over the phone, intentionally accepts invitation when she sees Seju looking, rough sex with Seju even if Seju is pleading to be gentle. Sending off unending messages to Seju that she doesn't exist(except for chap. 3 lovemaking) and all of a sudden telling Seju that she still loves her? Hehehe... Seju must be healed by setting herself free from the chain she herself put for ten years by taking all responsibilities that happened to Sumin even to the point until she dies(chap. 27). Thus, blinded by this self-indulgence that she neglected Sumin's needs, i.e., her time and the promises they made together to which the rings symbolizes.

I do love your analysis of the chapters and of the characters, foxy lady, what I understand differently is the part where you say "Saehyun hurt Sumin physically because she hurt Seju physically too. Seju can't go out for days because of "black eye". Hehehe... That was not moping or dying."
When I look at Seju in the scene where she is laying in bed, her face seems sad but she doesnt seem to have a black eye. I do think her heart broke and even Seju herself states that sumin is her point of living, so she didn't want to do anything but to lay in bed when they broke up. Seju remaining in bed went on for awhile because after Saehyun hurts Sumin, Sumin begins to meet other girls and calls Seju on the phone just to hear the moans while Seju is again in bed. (Also in my point of view, Saehyun could be Seju's real father because he seems like the only one in the family to care for her, and even tells Sumin that he gave her Seju's name, which seems like a father thing to do, the president could really be the grandfather, and the scene where we see Saehyun sees Seju's mom may imply there are lovers? I'm not really sure but it could explain why he hurt Sumin, as a overly protective father)

I do agree with you that Sumin did all those things as revenge towards Seju, but in the scenes right after Sumin comes into realization that she still has feelings for Seju, I do believe she says she feels guilty for intentionally hurting Seju. I do think they hurt each other, but obviously still love each other or else they would of left a long time ago.

Seju is super interesting to me.. I never disliked her even in the most recent chapter, her love for Sumin is too big, and it's destructive because I don't think she knows how to control it herself. Even when she cheated (which I agree wasn't right) she said it was because she felt so lonely since Sumin was rejecting her and their plans together and felt like Sumin could leave anytime. (again doesnt justify cheating but I am acknowledging Seju's feelings) WHAT gets me about Seju is how she truly is sorry, she stopped drinking alcohol (the very thing that influenced her to sleep with that guy), didn't see anyone else, and always made herself available to Sumin while being okay with the fact that Sumin saw other women for 10 years . She, in my eyes, deserved the second chance, because as humans we all make mistakes but the way she went for redemption speaks to me how sorry she was for cheating. (we could of easily seen Seju be with other people and etc. after they broke up and if we did we could of assume she didn't care that she cheated/valued her relationship with Sumin) This is why I've forgiven Seju for cheating, because her undying loyalty to Sumin and the actions she took to redeem herself.

So after the recent chapter, I wonder if Sungji will forgive Sumin for cheating on her, and if she does, will that allow the opportunity for Sumin to forgive Seju for cheating on her in the past? I do like Sungji, she has a refreshing personality, and I think warms Sumin's frozen heart. I love Seju and Sumin's relationship more only because their love seems so deep. I feel as though if they could let the past go and let their feelings for each other be pure again they would be just as lovely as Sumin and Sungji.

In the most recent chapter I was not disappointed either, Seju is swayed by her love and it's her last chance to convince Sumin to stay with her, it's life and death for her in her world, and that's why she attacks Sungji the way she does because Seju is almost like a wounded animal being backed into a cage (which is how I always see Seju when she does her dark actions). Sungji is blinded by her love too, in a sweet way, I think her love doesn't find Sumin to be this empty malicious person, and so even when she saw them together in bed, I feel like she didn't react in the typical, how dare she cheat on me type of way, but in a way of, oh I see you with Seju now and you have been doing this before, but I know you are trying your best to be with me (because how Sumin warns her earlier but also tries her best to compile with what Sungji wants) I think Sungji knows its more of Seju trying to gain control of a dire situation. It seems like she sees a bigger picture.

I don't know where the story is going, but I will enjoy it as long as Seju doesn't die or remains forever sad. Sorry for the long post but I like to read everyone else's opinions about this story/cahracters and wanted to put in my opinion as well! ^_^