Forum › Posts by Kungfukidsgotskillz9eight

joined Jun 17, 2016

Dear Ssamba,
Hey, man (or woman)! I just found out about your condition and the shit you are going through, and while I am of low income, just know that if there is ANYTHING you need help with financially, or whatever, I will gladly send you some cash. I have had several family members, imcluding myself, battle it out with cancer. I had stage 1 breast cancer at the age of 16, but I recovered. My cousin had leukemia and we all thought he would not make it, but he prevailed, that sucker, and beat the shit out of cancer. My grandmother had breast cancer FOUR times, can you believe it? She lost both her breasts, but is now doing great! What I am trying to say is this, you CAN win this. It may make you feel small, hopeless, lost, scared, BUT there is always that one thing that trumps all of the negativity: hope. Hope can be small sometimes, because negative vibes are whores, but if you ignore the prostitute you will always find the one thing that makes you feel better, that one feeling that makes you look forward to a new day. Hope. Fluttering Feelings is a big part of my life because it gives me hope that one day I can find someone like Soela, or No Rae. Not by physical attraction means, but by the way they show the affection that they have for one another. I want someone to like me the way Seola likes No Rae, and vice versa. Your story is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You WILL get better. There are people all over the world with different beliefs, and different religions whom are praying for your recovery, at least ONE of the gods from these people MUST be real, right? There has to be ONE God who will help you, be it Jesus Christ, Allah, Zeus, Odin, or whatever, one of them must be real. I will pray to my God for your recovery and hope that He listens to my pleas to help you get back on your feet. I won't even dog you for updates like I used to, I will just wait patiently for you to do what you need to do to give us the next chapter. I know for sure that it ain't over, I know for sure that you WILL get better. Sending all the love and good vibes your way.

A reader of your story (kungfukidsgotskillz98)

joined Jun 17, 2016

Guys! I got a suggestion!

A sudden one maybe, because we've all just gotta stomach the news at first. But how about this: we create a forum here for Ssamba as her fans and just all post something encouraging or nice for her so we help her soldiering on. "Terminal" is a scary word and bad news, but it's not a death sentence! So how about we show her our support? And if she doesn't speak English, maybe some of us, who speak Korean, could translate the posts for us and we post them in Korean so she'll understand. And then we just post that link to her blog and anywhere else we find so it reaches her. C'mon, let's bond together here a little, okay? We're all not doctors, but we can at least do this much. What do you think?

Let's do it!