Forum › Posts by anon4567

joined Jun 9, 2016

damn .... idk what to say ?!! seju baby don't cling to sumin ,,is she really worth your love ?! NO ! for god's sake she treats you like shit ,,,this is so frustrating damn,

And... Here's where Seju lost the battle
Sumin didn't blush at all. She simply looked like she did not care, not angry at seju, not loving, no nothing.
Once you feel indifferent to someone then that is when people start healing.

i feel so sad but i agree with this ,,seju lost the battle the moment sumin ran after sungji in ch 55 ,,,we know the ending already so plz stop breaking our poor team pink heart T_T ... i'm sure the next chapters is all about sumin and sugji make up shit

joined Jun 9, 2016

I dropped it when they appeared in her ex gf house for the first time. From the whole series, I liked the flashbacks of these two together (blonde and her ex, forgot their names) , and knowing that this is about the main straight lady (well I guess not so straight in the future considering the nature of the manga, but still) and the blonde I dropped it.
Cause really, I can't wrap my head around of how she could dumb her gf of 10 years for a woman who didn't give a damn about her, and even kill a person for this. Well there was an understandable explanation but still.
I know love has no logic etc, but I just find the main character quite unlikabble. I can't understand how and why the blonde loved this person so much to completely destroy her life like that. Maybe in the future this is well explained, but I really find it difficult to care about it.
Tragedy doesn't equal deep. It was mostly painful and random events and violence. And a murder.

About the art, there is something that makes me uncomfortable the way they are drawn. And maybe this sounds a bit wrong, but since it is a comic/manga and not a book, I also want the art to be a bit appealing. Cause the artstyle feels like it got out of someone's nightmare or something.

oh but you should really keep reading it gets more depressing in the next chapters lol kkkk
no really you stopped to soon! yes it was dump of the blonde to love her so much and never get angry about how she treats her ! but she love her since high school !! and if things where to happen like this i think seju would kill some one for sumin too ! so yeah ! as for me i find the art really unique and very real and that's what makes it intersting, its like these characters acutally exist ! but if you contiue reading you will find that the main charater is very strong cuz of the constant beating of ther father and husband so i doube she will love anyone anymore ! she is fucked up she has no one to save her but the blonde , i find the unrequited love so real and great its goes with the whole concept of the manga ,read ch 5.5 speacial you will get alot of things ! ,but in the story will become so sweet when the lead girl slowly getting used to like the blonde ,,and when they nearly got cought by the police.....Ahhhhh fjodrjoehlfvl idk what to say its depressing as fuck just re read it ,,it really grows on you XD

last edited at Sep 4, 2016 5:44PM

joined Jun 9, 2016

I will read Gunjo one day for sure since some of you seem really into it. I just took a quick glance at Gunjo's art style. Is it about love stories of women in their 50

hahaha lol , gunjo is a story of two 29 years old women ! one of them is straight and ask the les women who's in love with her to kill her husband for her cuz he beat her to death every night and their life on the road when the deed is done yeah dark kkkk but you'll be blown away !! just be strong when you read it ! it really is depressing as fuck

joined Jun 9, 2016

oh .. you guys should really read a manga called " gunjo " or "gunjou" its the most powerful mature , tragic story i've ever read ?! that will make WDTFS look like child's play !!! trust me don't be scared or fooled from the cover or art style witch i find amazing ! ...the story is by far the most intense and powerful i've ever read ,, it has about 21 ch that you can find in every manga site ..

joined Jun 9, 2016

i doubt the first love thing.. but as far as i watched in korean dramas when a girl cuts her hair in korea when she broke up with her boyfriend...lover ..etc !! its a well known sign of moving on ....

joined Jun 9, 2016

for those of you who didn't know ,, there is a voice version of wdtfs that you can easily find .. each chapter is presented in a great way esp their voices .. i was very surprised first but sumin voice is very sepacial and i liked it very much was lighter than i expected but it suited her very well for seju and sungji both kind weird but after i read the chapters again and imagined their voice it suited them well too check it out guys its really fun ,,if you cant find it their is 1 or 2 chapters already on youtube .

I did listen to the first chapter on YT. Sleepy!Sumin had me at "Hello." But boy, do they cut at the best part of the chapter, haha. Do you know if other chapters are also available?

hmmm ... try and enter on the uploader's channel on YT i guess their is also ch 9 ...

joined Jun 9, 2016

for those of you who didn't know ,, there is a voice version of wdtfs that you can easily find .. each chapter is presented in a great way esp their voices .. i was very surprised first but sumin voice is very sepacial and i liked it very much was lighter than i expected but it suited her very well for seju and sungji both kind weird but after i read the chapters again and imagined their voice it suited them well too check it out guys its really fun ,,if you cant find it their is 1 or 2 chapters already on youtube .

last edited at Jul 1, 2016 9:20AM

joined Jun 9, 2016

But last chapter showed a different side of Seju, and I think they did it so that Sumin finally realises who Seju really is and falls out of romantic love with her.

there no such a thing as fall out of love with seju for sumin . i mean sumin loved seju even after seju cheated on her and her brother beat the hell out of her ! so yeah if that didn't make sumin fall out of love with seju nothing will, with every woman sumin keeps wanting seju again and again for over that 10 !? even when she had sungi she still loves seju as well , so .i think they made seju evil not to make sumin hate her but to make it easier for the fans to support team blonde and have a smooth team blonde endgame without the fanwar the large team pink fans will start ,its like gaji is surrounded them self with no way out for seju but this , and i dont thing team pink endgame is impossible to do if they make an extra effort on the plot .. but kinda doubt that since wdtfs is pretty erotic i was even surprised that they created so much recent chapters with a alot of drama . so yeah its even though i'm team pink , its team blonde endgame for sure unless sumin kept wanting seju after sungji will forgive her eventually and esp with alot of seju family shit , in that case sungji will be the one to let sumin go and i thinks its will be near the end .

last edited at Jun 11, 2016 7:56PM

joined Jun 9, 2016

if sumin really want to leave seju for good she should at least give everything back to her ...the house , the car ...etc i guess she will be homelss lol let sumin have her sungji ..i like it this way now seju is better without her ,at least sumin wont know what she had untill its gone. i really do believe that nammi likes seju alot more than she appears and also believe she befriended sumin for seju and we will see that in the next chapters cuz when seju broke down nammi stopped so its more than seju body that she wants ..seju may not love nammi ever but she will get used to her . cuz she maybe seju only way now . i remember someone saying seju dad maybe really wrote all his money for seju in his will but if thats is ture her damn brothers wont stop unless they kill her . i really expect the mole guy to interfere again

joined Jun 9, 2016

wdtfs is becoming shit . the authors is only making seju what stupid team blonde and fans want and not what they actually want to do .they could've come with tons of other ways, they could go but they choose the stupidest most obvious way
and sungji is such a empty useless character with zero qualities ...i dont know what the hell ppl see in her ?