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joined May 27, 2016

Could be! And that’s why they extended the story from 80 chapters to 90 – because that’ll be a hell of a lot of work for Sungji to do! ;)

She's gotta work her magic for those two (^_-)

joined May 27, 2016

I really hope that you are right because a deeper development would be desirable at this point.
But I meant that Seju kinda encouraged Sungji back then to be there for Sumin which could have led to her developing even deeper feelings for Sumin.

So the “Do you even realize how I developed these feelings?!” could refer to her encouragement back then. Something like “Back then you gave me your blessing. And now you say it’s all over. It’s all your fault that I started this relationship in the first place!”
I hope you get what I’m trying to say. ^^

It’s just a guess ‘cause with this story you never know what will happen next.

joined May 27, 2016

plot twist (and also a long shot), sungji actually met sumin years ago, probably during the time when sumin was in the hospital or some sort (which puts sumin at 24 yo and sungi at 14) and sungji remembers her from some act of kindness or sth.

I've thought about what she meant by that too...It didn't make sense and there wasn't anything more added to it. But I think this could be a key factor to why Sungji fell in love with Sumin and is so considerate of her, even now at this point, where she didn't act out mad but remained calm.

I think she could be referring to chapter 14 where Seju told Sungji “if only there was someone who could take care of her…”. Meaning take care of Sumin.

Not sure but that was the first thing that popped up in my mind when I read that line.

last edited at Jun 2, 2016 10:03AM

joined May 27, 2016

Sarcasm is my second name! It runs through my veins! ^^
It just happens, I’m sorry! (≧◡≦)

joined May 27, 2016

@ Layla

Yes, my name absolutely reflects my personality that’s why I chose it, of course.
I mean, what other reason should there be…? (@_º)

And I also agree with you on that. It is totally your choice what you say and how you say it.
Well, slightly insulting jokes are the best ones, I guess… (☉__☉”)
But don’t listen to some random retard
I don’t even take myself seriously, so why should you?

@ SoftLikeSteel

Defender of Justice!

joined May 27, 2016

@ Layla

Wow, must be nice to take a few minutes of your precious time you could have spend working just to bug other people about something they like to do and to make them feel bad about themselves… That’s the best way to spend your free time!
Nice desu! (^_^)b

Since everyone feels the need to explain themselves to you – which I think isn’t necessary at all by the way ;) – I just wanna join in, since I’m new here and I don’t wanna be left out ^^

I’m a hobo, just look at my picture, so I got a lot of free time on my hands and I found an iPhone and a credit card on a dead person lying around somewhere and now I’m sitting in front of Starbucks all day, everyday, using their Wi-Fi just to read What does the fox say and to post in this thread – just because it’s fun do talk to other people who happen to like the same things you do about so many irrelevant stuff sometimes.

It’s nice to be nice, you know? (♥ε♥)

joined May 27, 2016

I don’t think that Sumin will be able to leave Seju behind. I mean she couldn’t while she was convinced that she hated her, now that she’s finally realized that she still loves her there’s no way in hell that she’ll just forget about her and move on…

But be that as it may I really wish that Seju would finally realize just how strong she really is.
She survived the hell her own family put her through on her own. Even before she had Sumin in her life. And she managed to stay, let’s say, fairly sane. I just wish that she could see that she doesn’t need Sumin to go on living.

joined May 27, 2016

Well, in real life there is no clear cut line. At least with most people ^^
There is no only top or only bottom. It depends on the situation and the mood as well. In most relationships (or affairs) it’s just that one is the more active part and the other more passive. So it’s not always just a question of dominance. And I know dominant people but they still like to be touched as well. They just don’t wanna wait until you’re in the mood for it – they order you to ^^
And when sleeping with a girl it’s no problem as a bottom to touch the top whenever you feel like it. Unless the top has some issues going on ;)

joined May 27, 2016

Well… it is just a story so everything’s possible. Little details could be there on purpose or it could just be a coincidence the author never thought about…

But with this I’m not so sure… Someone mentioned before that Sumin was frail. And I think that’s true. She’s frail by nature, too sensitive and emotional. Her being dominant doesn’t seem natural to me. It’s just her way to protect herself. She seems too afraid to let anyone get too close. Too afraid to show her true emotions – aside from the aggression. And way too afraid to let go.
The Nami thing was just a mistake. Sumin was too drunk to even walk back then so of course she would have been the bottom ^^
And Nami is the only other person aside from Seju who really knows her. Maybe that’s why she didn’t need those walls around her.

It’s just an opinion of course but I think there is a meaning behind it.

joined May 27, 2016

Yes, that kinda was the question ;)

So it has only ever been Seju. Never someone else...
So there is a meaning behind her behavior...

joined May 27, 2016

It's so hard being the newbie! Now everyone's gonna bully me! o_O

Just kidding, it was an odd question, I have to admit that.
Never really knew how to phrase it right...
But I just wanted to know someone else's opinion... And you all seem to be pretty invested in this story...

joined May 27, 2016

I would never ask a perverted off-topic question! ;)
Or else I would have called myself Random_Pervert ^^

It’s not that I want to see those scenes it’s just that it always made me curious.
I believe that there’s more behind it than just her wanting to be dominant.

last edited at May 29, 2016 7:03AM

joined May 27, 2016

@ sia ue
That’s why I’ve been wondering… Sumin doesn’t seem too keen on being touched by others. Even by her girlfriends. Maybe the last time she came was back in the days with Seju AND THAT would also explain why she’s so on edge all the time ;)

Maybe that’s her way of abstaining..?

last edited at Jun 2, 2016 9:33AM

joined May 27, 2016

Another plot twist:
Seju is actually a transsexual and after Sumin leaves she will go like this:


joined May 27, 2016

Sorry to intrude, but I have a question.
I’ve been kinda curious about this for a long time so here we go:

Have we ever seen Sumin get off so far?
Back in the days when she was still in a relationship with Seju, but after that…?

joined May 27, 2016

Oh, I’m not saying that Sumin is a selfless person.
All I meant to say is that the coming back thing during those past 10 years was more for Seju that it was for herself.
Except for the first time probably- because Sumin seemed to be drunk back then.

And for me it makes sense.
Because even if you have someone else you like could you really feel happy knowing that this girl who only has you and only ever loved you could commit suicide any moment?
I probably would go back to her as well.
And I probably would be angry as well at the same time – just because this whole situation is so f***ed up!

last edited at May 27, 2016 11:07AM

joined May 27, 2016

Not completely selfless either, of course.
But I think that if Sumin really were that selfish as you claim she would’ve moved on a long time ago, never looking back.
Simply because it would be a lot easier than this mess she’s in now.
Of course she created it herself (together with Seju) but she never once seemed to be happy about the situation. That’s also why she’s treating Seju so bad. Making it even messier in the course of it. So you can’t say that she just did it for herself because it never really helped her a lot.
Seju just needed Sumin to be there - that was enough for her. She even asked for Sumins hatred and was ready to take it all, I think that's part of why Sumin treats her like that. She never needed to be nice and it was just easier that way. Being there but not resolving anything... Not really confronting each other and each others feelings....
It doesn't help either of them. But Sumin is just so caught up in this messy situation that she feels so frustrated and continues to act like that. She's clearly not good at dealing with her own feelings as well.

Seju decided for herself that Sumin is the only one for her.
But Sumin never did that.
She tried to find love elsewhere.
And I think she could if it weren’t for Seju and Sumins feelings for Seju that are still holding her back…

But don't get me wrong, I like all of the characters, really.

@ MacySan

Yeah, I think Sumin never stopped loving Seju and that’s the reason she can’t stop worrying.
Not because she feels obliged to do that.
Because if that were the case than she would be long gone.
It’s just that there were times that she was so angry and hurt that Sumin herself didn’t realise it. But those feelings never disappeared completely. Neither the anger, nor the love or the hurt.
She tried it at the beginning – tried to let go - but was dragged back into it, leading to her never being able to really distance herself and making a fresh start wholeheartedly.

Because that is what’s needed when you end a relationship.
Time to process your feelings. Time to find out what you really want and what you need. Time to fall out of love when the end came too abruptly. Or simply time to be able to forgive and move on again. But that was taken from her – thanks to the mole guy.

After that time out maybe she would have given Seju another chance, yes. Maybe not. But she definitely wanted to find happiness again. And now we’ll never know the answer to that question because by now they both just seem too messed up to ever be completely happy again.

last edited at May 27, 2016 10:25AM

joined May 27, 2016

@sia ue

Oh, don't be shy! Just call me Retard (^_-)v

I think it'll be easier for some others seeing how emotional this discussion is ;)
So don't hold back ^^

joined May 27, 2016


I disagree ^^
I think she did it for Seju and then for herself – in that order ;)

Sumin tried to let go. We saw that.
After the break up she already tried a clean cut.
New apartment, getting rid of the car, even new clothes and accessories because it all reminded her of Seju. And then that incident with the mole guy happened and Seju was even more in despair and Sumin was thrown back into it herself as well and with those scars she never was able to forget again. No chance to escape anymore.

And I also think that the mole guy attacked her because Sejus situation was getting worse and worse after the breakup. And he blamed Sumin for that. It must have been at that time that he told her that Seju would commit suicide without her because it never seemed like Sumin and the mole guy had a lot of contact in the past. So it must have been during that incident.

That’s what changed things for her.
She hated Seju, yes. Was not able to let go of her own suffering and treated Seju bad because of that, yes. But she never felt indifferent towards her.

Sex was the only way to get close to her again because she wasn’t able to really open up again after that incident and also she never forgave Seju because it all started with her mistake. So having sex was her pretence to be there with her.

joined May 27, 2016

For some reason I’d like to add my two cents here ^^

Some folks here keep saying that Sumin always went back to Seju for comfort.
I admit that it seemed like that at first. Every time Sumins current relationship failed she went back to Seju.
However, by now we know that it wasn’t just quite like that.
Because now we know that Sumin sabotaged her relationships herself. In the beginning a lot of people thought that Seju might have had some doing in it as well. But the only time we saw proof of that was in case of the redhead.
But we learned recently that Sumin broke up with the women she was with just to aid to Sejus side. She just never had the courage to tell her that. And probably because she was still angry at her as well. That’s why she used excuses like “She wasn’t as good as you” when the real reason was that she was worried about her wellbeing after she returned from visiting her family. So it’s not just that Seju was in her way all this time, Sumin was kinda standing in her own way as well because she was never cruel enough to just say f*** you, I don’t give a s*** about you anymore. She was angry at Seju all this time, yes. And she hated her for ruining it all for the both of them, true. But she never stopped caring for Seju either and that was what’s really standing in her way. Every time Sumin had a relationship and Seju was troubled again Sumin kept looking for a reason to break up with her girlfriend (or the girlfriend got fed up with her behaviour because Sumin didn’t seem to give them enough attention and demanded for separation before Sumin had a chance to do so herself) just to go back to Seju and be there for her. And it worked. Because (I think it was) the mole guy who mentioned that Seju probably would have killed herself a long time ago if it wasn’t for Sumin being there.
So Sumin wasn’t just being selfish whenever she returned to Seju.
In fact it was the exact opposite. She discarded her chances of being happy with someone else for Sejus sake – because she was too afraid of what Seju would do if she wouldn’t return to her.
That was a selfless act that also shows that Sumin never stopped caring about Seju.
And since Sumin would never cheat on someone (physically) she always had to break up in order to be able to come back to Seju.

The flashbacks also showed a lot of empty affairs but not all of Sumins relationships were bad and some girls really tried to get closer to her but Sumins concern for Seju was always greater than her efforts of making the new relationship work.
Most girls had some flaws that she could use as an excuse to break up, in case the girls themselves weren’t fed up with Sumins behaviour even before that which then led to them leaving on their own.
Sungji is different in that regard because she doesn’t allow Sumin to do that with her as well.
Every time Sumin tries to distance herself from Sungji, Sungji just accepts that and is understanding, it doesn’t make her mad so that Sumin would have another reason to break up.
Sungji has an eye for the little details and just sees that Sumin is a very sensitive and caring person that’s why Sungji trusts Sumin even though she knows that Sumin keeps some things secret from her. And I think it’s that behaviour that impresses Sumin the most and that’s why she doesn’t wanna leave her without a good reason. Sumin even told Sungji that she is not a good person but again, Sungji didn’t allow her to just establish that kind of situation were she could create trouble again. Sungji immediately prevents that from going any further with one of her honest and cute remarks. She just doesn’t give Sumin a chance to escape this time that’s why I think Sumin wants to really give this relationship a try even though Sumin herself is probably not convinced just yet that it would work out for them in the end. However, she just wants to try honestly for once…

I think that also explains why Sungji seems too perfect to most of us – because if she wasn’t like that Sumin would have another reason to break up. Sungji seems “flawless” and she also doesn’t allow for Sumin to make her own flaws stand in the way so this time Sumin can’t escape because she always needed a reason to do so – even if she had to create that reason herself. She is not cruel and daring enough to just break up without one.

That’s why I think Sumin suffered just as much as Seju did in those past 10 years.
So no reason to punish her any more. Same goes for Seju.

And thus my rant comes to an end ;)