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Drawing! Advice? 09 Mar 16:50
joined Mar 9, 2016

Oh yeah, and one lesson you should learn early on is things like not drawing feathery lines. Try to always draw your lines in one smooth motion wherever you can, and mostly have a light touch. That'll pay off a lot in the long run.

Get in the habit of "drawing" with your pencil above the paper a couple of times before lowering it and making the actual mark. You can get surprisingly straight lines and accurate circles that way, with a little practice.

Feathering is actually a habit of mine (drawing a few different lines and erasing the the ones I don't like), so it's helpful to know that I should get out of that habit now for future stuff.

So far, I'm going back to the beginning and just practicing 3-D & proportions & drawing primitives like this video related:

I'm in a calculus class, and we're actually getting into 3D integration with finding volumes and such, so it's actually quite convenient to start with basic shapes like y'all said.
I actually wasn't expecting much of a response to my post, so my gratitude is without bounds.
Another thing I had a question on: I've been drawing with pencil and paper. Should I do it another way? I know a lot of people seem to use some type of computer/tablet drawing program or something. Does it matter that I am using pencil and paper?

Drawing! Advice? 09 Mar 09:48
joined Mar 9, 2016

Oh, and if you ever want critique and assessment of your work, I'd be happy to help.

Thanks for the advice!
And know that I literally just got a DynastyScans account last night when I ask this, but how would I show you drawings to critique? Through here or another medium?

Drawing! Advice? 09 Mar 09:35
joined Mar 9, 2016

Practice life drawing of actual models (or photos) to get the basics. This is something a lot of people hate doing, but it's really important. It helps you learn basic anatomy, structure, and three dimensional volume, and a number of other things you can't learn from the next step. Anatomy and facial structure tutorials are also helpful.

By this, you mean actual models, correct? Copying models and stances, etc, from photograph models online or people/things posing for you real-life? Just verifying.
Thanks! I have started copying down panels/scenes from fav manga, but I hadn't thought of the other things, like trying to change angles/poses.

joined Mar 9, 2016

I mean.. Think of the Vulcans o///o
It's too much!

Drawing! Advice? 09 Mar 01:41
joined Mar 9, 2016

Hey, I'm new to the community! But not GL! I am pretty sure, about 1-2ish years ago, I completed every shoujo ai/yuri/josei oneshot/short series ever put on the Internet and had started giving up on it. And I'm happy to say, getting back into the genre, that new stuff has spawned in my absence!
Anyway! Important part: I'm a fan of GL. I've read a lot of it and wish to someday "give back" or contribute to the GL fandom-community with my own stuff or fanart. Any advice on how I should start? I'm not very good at drawing, so does anyone know how I should improve on that? Any websites or techniques or such?
I'm a college student so I have limited time, too