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Name: InsertKey
Contact Info: // I have IRC but I haven't used it in a couple years, so I vaguely remember how it works.
Preferred series:
Anything really, just nothing based on a game. I'm not too picky about what I read, and less picky about what I'm translating... I TL'd FMA:Brotherhood (The second anime) for half a year and I borderline can't stand FMA stuff. Most preferred of your current projects would probable be Yuri Hime S, but not Wildrose... the whole smut thing is boring.
Ability to work:
Kind of between jobs at the moment, so I have time. I'm probably going to be a bit more busy starting in January, a I'm a class A procrastinator, but I usually get things done in time if I enjoy what I'm doing.
A bit about myself:
I'm 24, I have a B.A. in a field which I am no longer interested, and jumping from temp job to temp job. I've been studying Japanese for around 10 years, but I haven't expanded it much since I left college.
I am very comfortable with casual Japanese, enough to play games ranging from The Last Story (Best Wii game. Period.), to Ricotta's Princess Lover with say... 80~95% comprehension without touching a dictionary. (I'm probably being humble, or over exaggerating... never sure)
I know my way around multi-radical search engines and I'm comfortable with paper and online dictionaries, so if I can't read it, I can figure it out without too much fanfare.
Like I mentioned before I translated FMA Brotherhood for a while, I can't even remember the group I did it for, but I went by Kirith. I was helping a friend I had on Final Fantasy XI out, and I kinda had a breakdown with school so FFXI and TL'ing went out the window.
Other Info:
I'm fairly desensitized to a range of topics, I've ventured into the hell hole of 4chan for various reasons and lived. I just don't do mainstream-ie stuff like Naruto Bleech etc. I tend to be a fan anything with a good love story.
I'm a professional lurker on most forums, I know where to find what I need and get out... I'm not the most social person on the interwebs, but I figure this would be a good excuse to use my Japanese, which has been shelved lately, and pass the time while I'm looking for work. At the moment I've got a good chunk of free-time so if your playing catch up on a series, I probably could help with that.
Other than that I know your going to send me a TL test... sure I can manage that.