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joined Feb 19, 2016

and this one is good for those who read both "Their Story" and FF

Oh damn that one is suprisingly good but the sliding camera feels a bit too hyperactive.

so uhm, (uploading might take 20~ minutes from when I post this post)
Rushed it abit and its my first time making an MMV, so it aint all great but <3

I just love this one alone for the fact that the song is actually impactful on the story tbh, but the lil strumming hand. :D The entire video just does a great job at giving the feeling that they're both thinking of all those moments together while she's playing the song. There's some clear lil errors but for a first time that's really good.

I just hope we see them as a couple before the series comes to a conclusion. I'd be really miffed if we get the usual, kiss at the end and the series is finished. Love the whole series but I'm really hoping that the ending isn't so.

With the way the story's going I'd find it real strange if we won't, it seems set-up for them to have plenty of relationship angst and drama as well as just dealing with friends and acquaintances. Like seol-a's popularity causing some issues with the dudebros.

And after all, after the kiss, we've got the next goal to work towards. ;>)

joined Feb 19, 2016

Honestly, with the amount of tension in the last 2 chapters, I don't think you have much to worry about. It all got to explode soon enough, she can't just drag all this tension for so long unless she'll take a break or do another 3 flashback chapters or something...

I'm kinda expecting Seol-a to just shut down here and not tell anyone what's up and just draaaaaaaag it out for like another five chapters just because I don't actually want to get my hopes up for that explosion of feelings and struggles and then be dissapointed.

I'm guessing after they're becoming a thing we'll get them dealing with their personal struggles in terms of the relationship, history, homophobia(With the way it's set up so far I think this'll be way more major once they're dating), etc etc but from what we've seen there's plenty of that good angsty stuff to keep us here for a while longer.

Emo Star discussion 19 Feb 13:09
joined Feb 19, 2016

This is the most beautiful piece of art I've seen in a long time, I enjoyed it so much that I stopped lurking just to tell you all that.