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w. flonium
joined Feb 9, 2016

As a head's up, my old Wordpress password got lost, so I've moved scanlation business to

w. flonium
joined Feb 9, 2016

Ah, a Raiko doujin finally.

I'm not sure if I like this or Benben/Raiko more, but both are good.

w. flonium
joined Feb 9, 2016

Other than that, I really love Yuugi because of how honest she is and how she hates lies. It's really refreshing compared to other types of characters.

Yuugi's honesty is especially nice when she's paired with Parsee, if you read up on the bridge princess/hashihime legend: basically, Parsee was a human woman who became a youkai out of jealousy and grief after her husband cheated on/abandoned her. Having her and Yuugi together is pretty natural given that.