Forum › Posts by quelana

joined Jan 19, 2016

Personally think they've both realized their mutual feelings for each other and a vocal confession isn't really necessary anymore. Though I do think it will eventually happen because that seems to be Ssamba's style (for example, they left whether or not No-rae realized her feelings for Seol-a ambiguous until after the first home-arc when we got actual thought-dialog confirming it).

Course I could still be wrong and they dont actually realize their mutual feelings for each other but hey...I won't even be mad, Ssamba. Guessing and interpreting is a huge chunk of the reason why I enjoy reading FF so much. I know a lot people hate it (especially if you're used to yuribait KyoAni crap) but I absolutely love how ambiguous this story can get sometimes. It's super fun lol

Also, I don't actually think this is it, but if the reason why No-rae doesn't want to officially start dating is because of school and graduation, then I honestly don't blame her lol Taking a bunch of senior-level courses and dating at the same time sounds rough, man.

A'ight back to lurking

joined Jan 19, 2016

Thanks for the welcome! Only a chapter like this could bring me out of lurking (⌐■_■)b
And lol I had to read it fast because I was meeting a friend for breakfast soon. Thankfully the chapter was right on time!

Thanks so much for the translation.
Even though they got interrupted, things are really starting to progress and I don't think Seol-a will be running away anymore.... maybe No-rae, but I kind of doubt it. She's also ready for their relationship to change (hence the attempt kiss).
So yeah, suuuuuuper excited for the next chapter. Their last trip to No-rae's home is still my favorite arc of FF, so i'm happy they're going again (and this time together). Cheers, everyone!

joined Jan 19, 2016

I'm actually crying.
GG Ssamba.
Also, hi.