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joined Nov 18, 2015

It won't surprise me if Ssamba ends it like that and actually it won't even bothered me that much cause it would be such THE thing to do for this story ! :D

I'll enjoy any ending anyway cause until now i've enjoyed the story and characters as much as Ssamba has being loving drawing the story the way she/he wants to tell it !

last edited at Mar 8, 2016 9:04PM

joined Nov 18, 2015

OT: Anyone's watching Boku dake ga Inai Machi? A girl got physically abused by a mother could still be brushed off the rug ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I so love that anime ieeheh !
Can't wait for each episode to come out every week ^^

last edited at Feb 29, 2016 1:42AM

joined Nov 18, 2015

Thanks for the hard work Halmoni et Thatanon !

I'm from those few people who doesn't care if the pace and developpement are slow, i really like the story and to see how the characters are changing (some slower than others) is for me the best way to enjoy the story !
Of course like everyone i'm wainting for the day they would actually recognize each others feelings and everything but for now i'm plenty happy with what is happening :)

Is it weird that I actually like that kind of pace than "too quick, too soon" kind of pace stories ? ^^

Go Ssamba !

joined Nov 18, 2015

I love No-rae and her bro's relationship so much (even though they're 10 years apart) ! That last panel when they're walking together <3 !

and yes i thing NO-rae is graduating at the same time, didn't she said she was taking more classes to be able to graduate at the same time as Hye kyong (forgot how to write it ahah) ?

last edited at Feb 28, 2016 9:44AM

joined Nov 18, 2015

eriri, are you audrey giacomini? o_O

Ahah i wish i was as good looking and talented as her ^^ (had to google her though :p)

Ieeheh I am originally from France (but with vietnamese background too) that's why Thatanon compared me to Audrey Giacomini ^^

as for today chapter i think Ssamba will make it the same lengh as usual... if she was sick i think she wouldn't have the strengh to do more (well just expecting less to maybe have a good surprise ^^) !

last edited at Feb 28, 2016 9:07AM

joined Nov 18, 2015

I'm Vietnamese. But then my Vietnamese sucks as much as my English. I just suck lol

Yeah shoutout to a fellow Vietnamese (^o^)/

last edited at Feb 25, 2016 4:18AM

joined Nov 18, 2015

sorry didn't know where to post this but just wanted to share this beautiful (but sad) video with everyone ^^
the two girls are so pretty ! :3 and I like the song too !

joined Nov 18, 2015

I'm originally from France but i live in Japan (Tokyo) now ^^
anyone there ? :D

joined Nov 18, 2015

(Do we have consensus on their ship name yet? Cause that would've been less awkward to type.)_

=> Seolrae :)

Man is it me or this chapter seemed way too short ? or is actually shorter ? ^^
And yes please Extreme played that beautiful song so please don't listen to the cover by westlife :)

joined Nov 18, 2015

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah so close yet so far !!! ^^
but really happy of that huge step ! :)

joined Nov 18, 2015

Just thought of something... What if Ssamba is waiting for "cliché" Valentine's Day to offert us a great first kiss or confession?
So maybe everything will happen in two weeks ! Ahah

Sorry my mind is going to all places with that chapter ! :)

last edited at Feb 1, 2016 3:45AM

joined Nov 18, 2015

Thx halmoni and Thatanon for the trad + typeset ! :)

last edited at Jan 31, 2016 10:10PM

joined Nov 18, 2015

for a moment i thought seol-a might be hit by a snow bike lol
now back off sung-pyo!

ahah that would have been funny ^^ Ssamba the troll :D

joined Nov 18, 2015

it's ouuuuuuut ! :)

small steps, small steps...

last edited at Jan 31, 2016 9:13AM

joined Nov 18, 2015

Nah ...i think seola is older than norea ...cuz seola said she thinks of her as a younger sister at first so if she was older .she couldent say that ..seola is definitely older

No it's actually stated in their profile that Norae is older by few months.
I think when Seol-a talked about Norae being like a younger sister it was more referring to the way she is and act and not because of her age ! :)

joined Nov 18, 2015

I for one am getting tired of the unnecessary forced drama between halmoni and Nya-chan. The author obviously is just trying to keep the two of them at each other's throats longer before they can realize their true feelings for each other!

And also, what's up with both Nezchan and kyra showing up at nearly the same time???? Are we expected to believe that this is a mere coincidence?!! Hah! They were obviously there just to advance the plot in an artificial manner! PLOTZ DEVAISU!!!

... Confession next week mebbe? ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

#nyamoni #my-otp #yuri #oh-w8-my-bad-i-meant-shoujo-ai-lolo #dat-catfight-scene-tho

ahahah i just love this so much ! :D

Back to FF and yes my heart :(
Thanks Halmoni for the fast trad !

joined Nov 18, 2015

Thanks @ieeheh and @ffins07 for the "welcome" ^^

I don't know if it's dedication or if it just became an habit after all this time but yeah still waiting for the great grand moment for the two main characters of that story ahah.
But actually the author took some time off at some point so yeah it's taking a tad long now... i just want it to be over with actually, it's getting way too long for that kind of story. Even though i love the manga if it continue like that i'll still be reading it at 40 ahah !

so yeah Ssamba (in my opinion) is "spoiling" us with her/his weekly updates and i'm really thankful for that :) i won't complain about the pace whatsoever ^^ !
I'll just be so sad when the story will be finish :(

joined Nov 18, 2015

if you ask me (yes no one did ^^) i've been following the manga "Skip Beat" for ten years now and there's still no confession between the two main characters ahah so for me FF has a quite "real" and nice pace to me :)

sorry i'm new here and just wanted to say that without anyone caring much :p !

Can't wait to have the next chapter out :)

last edited at Jan 21, 2016 2:25AM