I thought Yuji might have felt the same way at the scene where Yuji lies on Seola's laps.
... Been there, done that. It has to be a special friend to have such an intimate moment in an empty classroom in an all-girl high school. It was heart wrenching to see Yuji handled her feeling for Seola in such a hopeless manner.
Fluttering Feelings hits a spot in my distant memory that I locked away. In the past few weeks I've been reading different language versions back and forth just to savour some special moments over and over again. I've also checked a couple of manga/manhua/manhwa mention in this thread but no other story has the same effect (even with explicit content). Ssamba's story telling style gets my feelings way beyond fluttering.
With that in mind, thanks to halmoni for the translation, thatanon et al. for rough typeset. For those of you who contribute to this thread, your joke and analysis help me get through the drought before the next update. You have my gratitude.