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joined Oct 14, 2015

Have not been on this lovely forum for over ages... and so just found out about Ssamba through another social media... literally in shock right now.
I am soooo sad to hear this! ;(

If there is a deadline, please let us know.
I am also really busy now, but would love to say a few words as well.

last edited at Jun 16, 2016 5:59AM

joined Oct 14, 2015

happy singles awareness day -

You're the best! Thanks Halmoni.

joined Oct 14, 2015

ffins07 posted:

sandwichbread posted:

The doki doki at the end clearly showed it was from both of them. The tension is rising.... HIGH... and they have the night ahead of them hahahaha

Unless No-rae pulls a Mai or Yuzu on Seol-a.

You guys are really good with the buzz kill. *slow clap* ( --- _ --- )

ffins07, only you and me in this together ( --- _ --- )

Mission accomplished. You guys reactions are golden! xD

I just watched Despicable Me (again) yesterday and imagine if we would hold our breaths like Angus until we get what we want -> No-rae and Seol-a share their first kiss...

Tragic would be if 'he-who-must-not-be-named' also happens to coincidentally be in No-rae's hometown. Can you imagine?

last edited at Feb 14, 2016 11:35AM

joined Oct 14, 2015

The doki doki at the end clearly showed it was from both of them. The tension is rising.... HIGH... and they have the night ahead of them hahahaha

Unless No-rae pulls a Mai or Yuzu on Seol-a.

joined Oct 14, 2015

Thanks for doing this unbelievably fast translations, cipp.

It is much, much appreciated. You make me go from refreshing Halmoni pastebin page from every 5 minutes to only 15 minutes.

Anxiety is a spectrum disorder that gets particularly grave when it comes to trying to keep up with your favorite magas/manhwas/manhuas.

Doctor, do you also have a cure for this? I happen to notice the symptoms are getting worse lately. The panels Ssamba teases us with is unbearable.

I came to the conclusion that the FF fandom is full of masochists who are punished each week or so by Ssamba.

It's like orgasm denial, or something.

So that when she will let you release your... tension, you will think it's the best thing ever.

How can we not love you? /I mean it.
Your sarcasm is always on point, and hilarious. (But I have to let you know that I do love the tropes...)

last edited at Feb 14, 2016 10:56AM

joined Oct 14, 2015


Okay, another crappy not-translation on the gist of things before halmoni comes and saves the day.

FF fandom is full of awesome people.
Thanks a tons, cipp

I totally agree^.
cipp should start to be less awesome, otherwise Imma die. -What have we done to deserve such brilliant minds. I don't follow lots of other series but so far FF-fandom is certainly a league apart.

I love the shot of No-rae causally walking into the room with the shower around her neck, with the phone still at her ear.


They're so comfortable in that room together. (Need to stay calm, self.)

This chapter appears short in terms of words, but emotionally it really builds. And it was totally swirling around those two. The moment with the family (even with Seol-a sitting across from Dad and Bro) felt like an in-between moment. As soon as No-rae entered the room and it was "the two of them" again, the world shrunk.

Ikr?! So ooooh my gaawd. /someone hand me a paper-bag.

--It's still too much. I can't analyze this yet. Yikes!

What is with No-rae and all these facial expressions? Gosh! She used to be so much more neutral OR happy faced all the time.

That girl needs to get a grip on herself. What you pointed out is also what Seol-a's been saying... 'You ignore my feelings daily with that clueless expressions of yours' (or something along this line, few chapter back). Ssamba is great in the way she makes parallels and the way she keeps on building from what has been shown.

ffins07 While we are at it: Yes this thread moves really fast, which is a good thing. I cannot believe 100+/- posts for a single chapter. You sure did a wonderful math. I used to lurk, but loves how people had the similar thought-process as I had/have. And also: Thank you for reading and eloborating your views on the series I've mentioned ancient ago, I truly appreciate it, I also wanted to reply, but due to the fast pace of the thread and my lack of spare time, I couldn't fit it in. DS should really consider a PM function of some sort. Eitherway, I thought it was at least decent to let you know.

joined Oct 14, 2015

I can die peacefully now. I really wanted No-rae to play on her guitar for Seol-a, and it finally happened!

Seol-a, so bold!! And another parallel. -The way Seol-a reaches for No-rae's hands reminds me of the time when No-rae strums the guitar in Sung-pyo's room.

No-rae's brother looks more his age now, with the adjustments Ssamba made. Oh wait nvm, I think that is her father. xD

last edited at Feb 14, 2016 10:11AM

joined Oct 14, 2015


I may be in the minority, but I really would prefer no confession.

Just my view, but I never liked confessions in stories all that much. Also, it's also a trope that I feel is overused. Now, not to get into a huge tangent about tropes/cliches, but in short, I don't feel all tropes are "bad" per se, but The Confession™ is one that is seen really frequently in yuri stories, and heck, romance/love stories in general across all mediums, even including movies.

Also, though stories != real life, how often do relationships IRL start with a straight-up confession?


Never in my life I had witnessed in real life someone who confessed to a person, you know, like those in the mangas. I live in Philippines, and I don't know if it's a tradition or in the culture, but in my experience living here all my life, when you like someone, the one thing that people do first is to be friends with the person, and not some straight up confession. You get close to them as much as possible, maybe flirt with them in a subtle way, but you will never hear a confession out of nowhere lol.

Rarely -compared to the friend first route- but I sure had my fair share. I would say it depends foremost on the person 'trying to convey his or her feelings to you'. Social awkwardness leads to awkward confessions out of nowhere. And it also depens on your gender beside your culture? Like ieeheh describes below.
Anyway as a girl, I've had straight-up confessions (living in the Netherlands) and I also had other kind of confessions I have yet to place them. Like this one: I had a guy sent me a whole confession letter -you know, the same way they did a couple centuries ago- but then through mail. It was an odd hybrid between old-fashioned courting and modern technology. (I actually liked it, but that's not the point). We happen to play a game together at the local boardgames-club. So he asked the boardmember for my email... I forgot where I wanted to go with all this -should have slept more probably-, which was totally out of nowhere and fits imo the description of straight-up confession. (He asked the permission for my phone-number and whether or not I would date him).
Straight-ups are arguably not of this time, but they sure happen a lot in less social-adepted circles? (I have no intention to be rude).


Lol I always have mixed feelings about confessions in mangas. I spent up to 11th grade in Asia. Back then I gotta say girls always expected confessions before becoming an official gf. If a guy took too much time to mutter up a confession, he's good to be gone. But after I moved to the States, if a guy asked you out on a date, it's kinda a declaration that he's interested in you. Whatever happens on the date (kissing or whatever), it means you're onto the next step. An official confession is rarely needed. Time passed and I kinda got used to my new culture. So when I started reading manga again, it was nostalgic, but sometimes annoying at the same time lol. I started wondering if it's really that needed; maybe it wasn't all that important in my home country. So I did a lil research, and concluded that confessions are mostly needed if you're in Japan, whether you're a female or male lol (exactly your question up there, anonymous lol)

It is for sure more common in Asia, with Japan absolutely at the top. My cousin lives in Vietnam and he gets confessions from girls so now and then as well. (In a way, both boys and girls initiate, but the males more so).

What I can share on the subject from my own experiences:
The first thing -also mentioned in the article- is the ambiguity, the line between like-like and like-love. (Which plays a big part, more so if both are the same sex, like our protagonists. I don't think Korea is that much different from Japan or any of the surrounding Asian countries for that matter). The Japanese line '好きです' /suki desu, could mean both and is used a lot.

Now it is very common for Asians (I speak from my experiences only) to express their liking towards their friends, in both words and actions. Clinging to each other and touching each other -of course not in the dirty scissoring obvious kind of way- is considered normal. Like the way No-rae and Kkyeung are, but this also applies even when you are not that close to each other. Drinking from the same cup, eating of each others plate, heck it is also normal in Asia to share the same bed if you are the same gender.
^This was a shock for me the first time I went to visit my family. The girls literally invited me to sleep together, because that is just more fun. Sleep together meant: same bed, same blanket. I was stunned to say the least.

I had it happened to me again, when I was in Australia and I stayed the night over at a Chinese girl's place. She thought it was outrageous to let me sleep on the couch, so we shared her bed.
We also argued in line at the check-out in a tongue in cheek kind of way, since we both insisted on paying the dinner. (This is definitely an Asian-thing, fighting over who should pay). But the people around us must have thought we were a couple? We're not, and I only knew the girl for less than 2 months. I and that girl thought we were just being on friendly terms.
So imagine if you are sexually attracted to your own gender... a confession would be viable since it is hard to distinguish this line in Asian culture, imo.

The second thing must be the pretty black and white culture -one where the sexes are seperated-, in this case you confess so you could at least get closer.
This has to do with the traditional/cutural dynamics, where it's rare for girls to hang put with guys and vice versa.

To me confessions put you in a vulnerable position to be rejected. It hurts to be rejected verbally. Whereas going on casual dates to see if the other person responds (well or not) to your advances (holding hands, or kissing) feels less vulnerable. On that aspect alone, I personally think Japanese are much braver than Americans (I live in the US so I don't know about the rest of the world). But........... maybe from Japanese perspective, Americans are pretty brave to start holding someone's hands before knowing how the other persons feels for sure. lol.

I also never have the guts to confess to the ones I like. So really bravo to those who dares.

Nice analysis btw, and it is that way for most Japanese men. (Am studying Japanese at the moment, so we discuss different aspects of the culture in class quite often). The Japanese have an unique mindset, kept intact due to their isolation, which defines/explains the specific way they interact. It is only recently (after the Sanfransisco treaty) that they are exposed to Western (overseas) ideas.

And Happy Valentines everybody!

P.s. Please do tell if things do not add up, or when there are parts you couldn't understand, seeing I'm not native to English. I'll try to eloborate more.

*P.p.s. I just realized the chapter is out, so I need to get my hands on it. Edit: Aaargh, like right NOAAW.

last edited at Feb 14, 2016 9:57AM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Wow, this thread moves really fast. -_-'
So much I have missed out on... ~sobs~
Thanks for sharing the fanart and the link about Carol's analysis. Edit: While we are at it, the cinema-thing, The Danish Girl is also worth checking out. I like how LGBT issues/subjects are getting (slightly) more attention lately.

I also reread the whole FF story, just now. (And happens to notice the similar 'your hand is cold' thingie), but YamaChan beats me to it.

What also caught my interest in the more recent chapters was the phone call Seol-a received/made in chapter 58, right after the spicy roll cakes announcement. --It is really a hassle to upload the scene without a computer, so you have to look it up yourselves ;'(
Seol-a made plans to meet up with the caller on Saturday. Is this the same week she went to the ski resort? How many days have passes since chapter 58? It doesn't feel like a whole week has passed. If so, Seol-a must have cancelled her other 'date'. This peeked my interest, was wondering whether someone else caught this as well? Somebody on this forum was really good with FF-time flow... (Lend us your powers again to whomever the name I forgot).

And seeing how Ssamba pays attention to details (i.e. the way she wrote about Carol), I could not stop wandering whether this was something of significance?
Anyone of the fandom has any theory about why Ssamba would include the calling into the story? Or am I just over-thinking things now; all scenes involving calls had a meaning so far...


Just out of curiosity, who do you all want to confess first? (Maybe I'll put this up as a poll, but probably not now since there's a chapter dropping soon)

  • A: No-rae
  • B: Seol-a
  • C: Both - Simultaneous confessions ftw, coincidental timing be damned
  • D: Neither - Who needs confessions? They should jump straight to kissing
  • E: Neither - Frustrated feelings forever <3

I don't mind any of the options, as long as it is executed well. Though I like it to be natural, and as things are, no confession would be the way to go? -wishful thinking

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 11:00PM

joined Oct 14, 2015


Oh yes definitely. Ssamba has always been so good at pulling the readers into her story by careful arrangement of the panels. I love how she draws tiny little changes in their non-verbal expressions.
And that moment after Seola kissed Norae's hand... oh god... *still drooling*
Instead of feeling Seola's "lust and longing" like you did, I felt what Norae felt, "lusting" after Seol-a lips. hahahahah. Oh god, her gazing eyes and sexy lips... Of course Norae couldn't resist the beauty in front of her. It snapped!!

No-rae is gradually changing and I'm loving it.

I'm with you on this. Panel was definitely meant to portray No-rae pov. If there's anything from Seol-a from those 2 panels, it would be her vulnerability after her bold move.

That edit btw, had me rolling.


It would be cruel for something to NOT happen on Valentine's day. I mean, it's the day of the release--the release day lands on the holiday, exactly.

Unless the author decides to take a small break...


Njoi as always :)

Omg, you had me there, for 3sec I really thought the page did not load. -_-' hahaha.
Thanks for the typeset!

Welcome, the more the merrier!

You are truly a genius. So hilarious!!

I'm curious to know how they would react to each other after they wake up. I can totally imagine how both would act cool on the outside,... but boy what goes on beneath... Please ssamba share both their inner thoughts.

joined Oct 14, 2015


haha, ffins07 is more skeptical than I am, but yes we're both obsessed with FF *blushed*

After today, I'm pretty satisfied with my interpretation of the hat in chapter 62 that I posted earlier this week. I knew Ssamba used it to hint that the invisible walls around No-rae came crumbling down with the ski accident. I just didn't expected No-rae to "snap" so soon in this chapter. I've been on cloud 9 since. Someone needs to pull me down.

I was very impressed with your interpretation. I felt the losing-hat-running-scene was symbolic as well, but the way you described it, was something I haven't thought about and it just makes so much sense. Do you pay attention to the way ssamba panels her 'shots' as well? Cause I find the way she highlighted Seol-a's eye and lips intensifying what was about to happen next. Makes the reader really connects to the scene (it just oozes lust and longing, imo).

last edited at Feb 7, 2016 6:54PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

This chapter is the best reward to start the vacation off.
I just can't sleep now... Dying for next chapter.
That Seol-a gaze indeed. I'm always amazed how meticulously you guys are with the details (ieeheh and ffins07) and how creepily you seem to always share the same view, which is so awesome!

Thanks for the translations as always Halmoni.

@ Rere I could not stop laughing out loud. You should do more! Like till next sunday kind of more...

Edit: @ craptree thank you for the rought typeset... Time to reread again! Hehehe~

last edited at Feb 7, 2016 5:32PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Ch. 54 eng -


Ah Mondays couldn't start better.
Thanks Halmoni for your efforts! Translating FF for us and also Ssamba's art (yesterday). To find out Ssamba likes horror, what a pleasant surprise that was.
I'm so happy! :D
And good luck on your finals!

Edit (after reading): I'm really curious to know what goes through No-rae's mind when looking at Seol-a in this chapter. Because I can totally see Seol-a becoming that president woman Enah in her near future. They are so similar. The way No-rae describes Enah, would that be the same way she would describe Seol-a, but then up the awesomeness 10x fold?

Seol-a: Figure...smell...So are these your true colors, Kim No-rae...I never knew...
^That had me rolling.
[insert flashback chapter 14]:

But wait... don't tell me this means our No-rae will ditch Seol-a for Halmoni-Enah-Seol-a-with-a-broken-neck right?

last edited at Dec 7, 2015 7:33AM

joined Oct 14, 2015

@ ffins07
I've read your other post. Really nice thoughts on FF. Will come back to it another time, I'm swamped with schoolwork as of now, to write anything decent back.
Before FF, heck, even way before Girl Friends and the likes were even available, titles like Moonlight Flowers and Pìeta, really stood out in the yuri-genre (at least for me). So I'm curious what you'll think of them. And how you'll perceive them in contrast (knowing FF first).


So Seol-a and No-rae now work for... Seol-a.

Got it.

... wat

Was so confused about this comment (as I was reading backwards to @anonymous's post)--and then I laughed OUT LOUD. That was friggin' hilarious (since I'd read this).

I want to know what Seol-a's (HUH)"?" face was about. Her reactions were cracking me up. Can't wait for the text for this.

Thank you Ssamba, so much... (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Btw is it just me? But I happen to notice that senior Seol-a is really loaded,... errr her cannons that is.

last edited at Dec 6, 2015 6:24PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Thanks. On it.

It's out.

Chapter 54

So happy! Really curious for the English translations.

For those still having issues with Korean Comico app on the Apple devices: Just remove app and reinstall (Look at purchased). Should work fine. At least I'm able to use it.

joined Oct 14, 2015


@ sandwichbread

Thanks for the various info.

Feel free to post any "future findings" of yours about Japanese FF! I don't think that many people in the English FF community regularly checks out the Japanese version, so it's definitely good to know. :3

They don't?
I would love to, just 'How do one insert a picture? Or thumbnail?'. Have yet to figure out Dynasty's ways of posting. That way I can elaborate better while pointing out the differences. (I'm writing using my iPad or iPhone, -yes I'm one of those. My comp died on me.) Lucky, I already discovered italic and bold by accident.
Pictures always come in handy, while comparing. For instance, what I noticed is that the Japanese Comico's panel-layout of FF is mirrored (not sure all the time, cause I'm too busy atm to compare the 49 chapters side by side), this is of course for the convenience, since Japanese people read from the right to the left.

-However, because they mirrored the panel-layout, although you read the same thing, it feels less familiar and somehow surprisingly refreshing (and I find the Japanese way of expressing the subtle nuances quite romantic.)



Thanks for the compliment. <///< lolo

I semi-often write those walls of text, and TBH, I don't really expect anyone to be reading them. They're actually first and foremost for myself, kinda like, for future reference "in case". But my train of thought is basically that though it's mainly for myself, I might as well put it out there (on the internets), and if it happens to be useful/informative/relevant to someone else, however unlikely, then so much the better.

Are you kidding me? You are super hilarious!! And very insightful, I for one, enjoy reading your posts quite a lot (and I'm sure I'm not the only one.)

And really, I love how articulated and well thought out the posts here are, the FF forum that is. The comments (the longer and the more people share, the better) really make my week so much more enjoyable.

So no new chapter for today? What is going on? :/

Hopefully nothing.

@anonymous Thanks for sharing that art. I love it. Yeah, there's the same face thing, but I think she's also just a fan of her story and her story's fandom. ha-ha. I love the "extra" art. ^. ^

Yes indeed, thanks for the art (as always). Hopefully, someone will translate it properly for us.
We should also celebrate anonymous surpassing the 1k posts landmark.
I'll cheers to that and to the many more awesome posts you'll be sharing with us. Yay to the future fanarts being uploaded in advance!

Now that we've ushered in the era of_Fluttering Feelings_, my favorite yuri manga/manwha/Chinese webcomic are Girlfriends, Prism, Their Story and Fluttering Feelings.

I feel you, both with Octave and with Manga no Tsukurikata, the latter just somehow manage to throw all it had going out of the window.
(Have you read the other titles I mentioned in the previous posts? You might like stories like Lilly Love and Moonlight Flowers. MF has a mature plot, though maybe a tad shallowish, but this is more due to the fact that it is quite old, and that the story was produced in an era where yuri was even less popular, and men are more dominantly ruling the scepter. The plot has the typical dark trophs, but at least it delves into some yuri issues of that era.
Prism, I was halfway through reading it, till I noticed the hiatus, so I abandoned ship (before it's too late).

Though none can beat FF when it comes to the flutters.

last edited at Dec 6, 2015 3:02PM

joined Oct 14, 2015


Just read the Japanese FF chapter 49 in the Comico app.

You read Japanese?

Sort of? I still need to use the dictionary quite an awful lot. I'm not a native speaker... or anywhere close to that matter (yet). But I do actually study Japanese at the moment. Like a full term study, (for the sake of my yuri addiction). -No I do not sound obsessed or anything like that at all.
I mean: who could withstand the glory of yuri's true beauty, amirite?
Of course, I couldn't tell my fellow students that that was the main reason why I wanted to study Japanese. That would just sound a bit too farfetched and preposterous. -Not to mention I won't be taken seriously... -_-'
How lucky for me, Japan is also a beautiful country with a rich history and culture and [insert more logical reasons] so nobody found out my true intentions yet. But on a more serious note: I have not one single regret picking up this study. What is there not to love about Japan?!

On another note: I love the more mature yuri, or rather stories that just make sense with nice yuri along the line.
Like: Marimite, Pìeta, Moonlight Flowers, Applause, Huskey and Mendley, Girlfriends and more recently Lilly Love, WDTFS, and of course FF, etc. I also love Nishi Uko's work. Cause, really yuri for the sake of yuri just won't cut it for me. People also tend to only translate the more mainstream/popular ones. What about all those undiscovered raw gems?
My taste is just off compared to the mainstream -who only cares about fanservice-. I'm too old for those one shots (not saying they aren't entertaining), but I just really love slow (realistic) well developed plots, like FF. And since there's a lack in this department... I decided... "If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain." Somebody has to dig in those piles of untouched FF-like yuri work in Japan (and now Korea too), amirite?

You have no idea how happy I was stumbling upon Ssamba, our yuri goddess. My cryings have finally been heard. Fluttering Feelings is just heaven!

Sorry if I'm oversharing, folks.


Why would they change these things?
Cultural thing? Convenient thing? Censorship thing?

I have a feeling that in the Japanese version, [continue to read in original post, omitting here cause my post is becoming too long. Sorry]

But anyway, my point is, if they did change the setting, then seeing as there is no mandatory military service in Japan, they had to change that story point.

Exactly my thought of flow as well. But why would they do that in the first place? And I'll have to read through the whole Japanese version now, to see whether they changed the whole setting or just these specific things.
FF is really helping me out with my Japanese, especially with the terrific translations provided by Halmoni.

As for the Facebook thing, it could be that trademark laws are different in Japan, so that was done out of necessity or precaution. I don't know much about Japan's copyright/trademark laws, but I did notice that in the Japanese version of Wikipedia, articles very rarely include pictures of... anything.

Now that you mentioned it: they always leave the brand names out, indeed (in anime and other manga as well).

As an aside, in case someone wants to know, these are their names in the Japanese version:
Kim No-rae --> 加奈リア Kana Ria
Baek Seol-a --> 白雪由紀 Shirayuki Yuki

^Reminded me of this:


And now, some (completely useless) trivia:

Kanaria's (TLC) name is actually No-rae's name in the Japanese version of FF.

In the Japanese version:
Kim No-rae --> 加奈リア Kana Ria
Baek Seol-a --> 白雪由紀 Shirayuki Yuki

You would think they completely changed the names, but from what I can tell, they are mostly actually derived from the original names, in some fairly strange, convoluted ways.
I believe the names came about like this...

Kim --> the hanja for Kim is 金 link --> one of the readings of 金 is kana link --> kana can also be written as 加奈 link

... No clue. Maybe they could not find an equivalent to "No-rae" that sounds good in Japanese, so they just changed it to a random name.

Baek --> assuming the hanja is 白 link
Seol --> assuming the hanja is 雪 link
together, 白雪 --> one possible reading is Shirayuki

It seems to come from:
雪 --> one reading is yuki link --> yuki can also be written as 由紀 which is one of the ways the female given name Yuki is written link
So in fact, they used the word Seol 2 times -- once for the 'yuki' in the family name Shirayuki and another time as the given name, but written differently as 由紀. Maybe because 白 just by itself would have been a strange family name in Japanese. Dunno.


Kim/金 means gold.
It is a very common family name in Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese ("Jin" in Mandarin).

As for No-rae... no clue about the hanja. (I believe this is a native Korean word, as in not derived from Chinese, so I don't believe there is a hanja for it.)
As already mentioned in Chapter 17 and 19, it means "song". link

If my assumption of the hanja for Baek Seol is correct,
Baek Seol/백설/白雪/Shirayuki basically means "white snow".
It is in fact the translation in Korean, Japanese and Chinese for the fairy tale character Snow White:백설#Korean

I'm not Korean nor Japanese, so if anyone sees any mistakes, feel free to correct me.

Sorry I JUST had to reshare what you've typed prior, because it was awesome. :)

Oops. And again, another wall of text. -_-'

Edit: I cannot wait for today's new chapter!! -squeeling in excitement here-

last edited at Dec 6, 2015 12:16PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Just read the Japanese FF chapter 49 in the Comico app.
Just wondered whether anybody noticed that they made Sung-pyo study abroad in the Japanese version?

Same goes with the Facebook thing, Facebook is immensely popular in Japan as well. Instead of using FB, they opt for the term SNS ( Social Networking Sites)...

Why would they change these things?
Cultural thing? Convenient thing? Censorship thing?

joined Oct 14, 2015

WDTFS chapter 32 is on Lezhin

joined Oct 14, 2015

It has now been one year that FF's English translation/scanlation efforts have started.
Tue 18 Nov 2014 23:22:09 No.1629837

Thank you to jrdp_18, Haggant, Kanaria, Ryo and others (cannot list them all since "Anonymous") for starting this thing, bringing this then completely unknown series to English-speaking/reading audiences everywhere!

And thank you to halmoni, one of the biggest contributors to making this thing possible.

And of course, thank you to every single person who has ever contributed to FF.

-nods head to all of the above-
Could not agree more.
Honestly, Thank you!! to each and every individual who has made FF to what it is today.

FF is my favourite manhwa (and manga/comic) thus far, yuri or non-yuri, (and will probably remain #1)
Have always loved character-development based stories. Not to mention the strokes Ssamba use to portray all those different emotions... truly amazing. It looks so simple and effortless, but we know better.

What are the chances FF will be so popular that Naver/Comico/Ssamba or whoever is in charge decide to make FF more than the initial 100 chapters?
Heck I'm willing to donate on monthly if not weekly base for this!

Ssamba forever!!! xD

last edited at Nov 24, 2015 1:02PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Of course if he's devoted to sports and he can't continue because of it, it can be devastating to him (edit: and to her too, perhaps). But he didn't have to let it be devastating to their relationship.

And I think thats how Sung Pyo crushed Norae's feelings and trust. Eventually it seemed like his love for her wasnt enough to help him overcome the loss and confusion. He just took off and ran away.

I very much agree. She must have felt devastated for not being 'trustworthy enough of his inner feelings'. Especially if you consider how close she thought they were and not only her, even Kkyeung also mentioned it (see below).

Hye-kyung: Dummy. Then all you have to do is stay by his side and look over him.
Hye-kyung: There's nothing in Sung-pyo oppa's head, aside from you and soccer.

Hye-kyung: You guys go crazy for each other!

Apparently staying by his side, being there for him and looking over him was not enough for him to overcome whichever barrier that is holding him back from sharing his feelings and thoughs with her at this crucial time.

Just like ffins said:


It seems to me that they're just both young and life is rearing it's ugly head. She had an idealistic (inexperienced) model of their relationship, and his world was pretty much what Friend said, No-rae and soccer--but soccer was first.

Soccer came -as how I interpreted it as well- first, at least at that time being.
---He seems to regret the way he handled things though, and probable came to realize how much No-rae truly meant for him when he was in the military, far far away from her for a long period of time. Remember that scene Kkyeung told Seol-a that Sung-pyo came to meet with her, during his serving time. He must have realised how wrong he was, pushing No-rae away like that. And wants her back? Fortunately for us, No-rae has (almost) moved on -into Seol-a's arms that is.---

And if soccer was his main drive force, imagine his whole world came crashing down. So bad that No-rae's love and affection are ineffective, which in my books triggers alarm bells on No-rae's side, maybe not right away on the conscious level, but surely subconsciously. I think a part of her already knew this as well ( the fact that she came in second):

Text: "I'd like it if nothing happened."
Text: Because if that means that you'll let someone else score a goal, then I'd feel a little relieved.
*Text: If that means that we can always be together.

Edit: So here are my thoughs...if you take what I said above and apply it with the 'crack-metaphor':

Text: But...
Text: An unavoidable crack.
Text: They slowly becoming cracked.
Text: His feelings,
Text: And mine.

I would interpreted this as:
The crack happens on a subconscious level, this is why both of them weren't aware of it.
The moment it was prominent, and thus conscious it was already too late. The damage has been done.

I'm sure if one of them knew what a catastrophic effect this would have on their relationship, one of them for sure try to manage the crack from tearing to the point of no return. No-rae seems willing anyways, as how it appears to me, if you take a closer look at her wordings on Sung-pyo throughout this chapter.

At that time he was not crazy enough for No-rae... (or at least he did not realise how crazy he was, until after hindsights).

I wonder whether pride and status played a big part in the equation? I know 'losing face' in most Asian countries is a major thing. Is this the same in Korea as well?

On another note:
I love how we can see all aspects of the characters. Like how Seol-a plays golf and now No-rae with her music talent.

I'm soooo drooling over No-rae being able to play the guitar. How romantic would it be if No-rae wrote a song for Seol-a?! Ssamba, pleease. :D

Thank you Ssamba for this awesome comic. Halmoni, thatanon for translation and roughs and anonymous for QC on this chapter.

/please mind my English, I'm not native. And oops for the wall of text.

last edited at Nov 23, 2015 9:57AM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Is it me or is the FF's imgur page not working?
I wanted to read some older chapters...

Edit: Think imgur is down, other links don't work either. (Error code 404 as well)


Ssamba wanted to let us know only and only Seola could be a match for Norae.

Yes, please! That would be really sweet.

last edited at Nov 22, 2015 8:10PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

New chapter!

and the flames of haters and the impatients shalt roar ablaze...


Is anyone else having issues reading on the mobile app/browser? Getting the continuous reload in the browser and a notice which leads me to the App Store on the app. :/

Yep, me. Seems like they took down the Korean Comico? (Temporary I pressume? For update?)

I just went straight to the comico website to 'heart' the chapter instead. Edit: Like the ^others were doing.

And of course I cannot thank Halmoni and all the others enough for their dedication, granting us the English translation faster than lighting! bows to the masters

p.s. Thanks for all the discussions, I truly enjoyed all of the insights and point of views given, and please do continue! (In fact, I have read this whole 180 pages thread, at least twice... It's very interesting to see how some canon people were sharing 50gazillion years prior actually take roots... Lots of food for thought so to speak.)

and goes back into stealth-mode

last edited at Nov 22, 2015 10:57AM