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joined Aug 12, 2015

Japanese have a thing for bathrooms and what happens in them.

I think it's more that bathrooms are just outside the train station. They could go somewhere else but that would be time consuming.

Ya gotta smack while that butt is hot.

They should not be late for school either, so why take a detour when there's a toilet available...

joined Aug 12, 2015

For those of you who aren't up to speed this is the current situation:
There are 8 Volumes out in Japan, 6 in Germany and 2(?) in Italy. The current chapter count is 119 with a new one every two weeks (posted on this website:
Collected official raws from 61 onward can be found here:'_Empire
Someone posted raws for volume 3 bought from the Japanese kindle store (which was trickier to buy from than you'd expect) and I'm doing my best translating it. Hopefully we will get the other volumes too and pump out these chapters quickly. The guy or girl who donated the raws is also the one doing the editing, I think.
You can find a couple more assorted raws here:
And all of the scripts I've written here:

Thank you very much for your work upon this series! It always brightens my day when I see that a new chapter has been translated, and I'm eagerly awaiting the continuation.

By the way, I stumbled upon something that seems to be a short advertisement "video" for volume 8, that can be found here: Spoiler alert! The video contains selected pictures of the different couples from all of the chapters from volume one to volume eight.

Stretch discussion 09 Sep 11:31
joined Aug 12, 2015

New chapter released!

Stretch discussion 12 Aug 16:53
joined Aug 12, 2015

Interesting ideas, but...

It might simply be that the intent of the last page is to show how Ran enjoyed the nice gift she received from Keiko.

You're doing the exact same thing as the people you're "but"ing, though? You're viewing the work the way you think it was intended, extrapolating from what little we've been given in the same way others are. You think the page shows that Ran appreciated the gift, but you're still using your own subjective interpretation to decide that.

Shou doesn't explicitly tell you that Ran is pleased - you've deduced that on your own through contextual clues in the scene. Ran might hate the gift, and is staring at it wistfully in a kind of bemused "oh, Keiko" way.

Guilty as charged.
I do consider it as a possible (and likely) interpretation that Ran is happy about the gift she received from Keiko, but if we put our heads together I guess we could create dozens of other possible interpretations too. And we might even then not be in the vicinity of what the author had in mind when that page was created.

The card she reads might be a standard note of instructions from the producer, included with every such display of dried flowers, to inform the receiver about how to properly take care of the content.

Yeah, but Keiko read them. She chose a gift that requires care to maintain and would last a long time with that maintenance. Getting Ran some dried flowers still says something, because she could've gotten Ran some chocolate, or gotten Ran some live flowers, but she didn't. Shou made the choice to have Keiko get her this specific type of flower.

If the note Ran is reading is the manufacturer's instructions, and those instructions were contained inside of the box - then it might also be an option that Keiko doesn't even know about them. Impossible to know, unless the author intervenes and reveal an explicit answer.

Well, regardless of how we chose to interpret such details, I guess we both are eagerly looking forward to the next chapter of Stretch.

Stretch discussion 12 Aug 01:45
joined Aug 12, 2015

In this case, Shou explicitly called to attention the words Keiko had written rather than having her say it herself, or just briefly showing them in passing. There was an allotted upper third given a hefty amount of space in a panel where nothing much else was going on. Enough reason to believe he did want us to notice some meaning in the descriptions.

I agree! We can debate about what it was, but Shou definitely tried to communicate something to us with it, especially with how flustered Keiko was over it.

Interesting ideas, but...

It might simply be that the intent of the last page is to show how Ran enjoyed the nice gift she received from Keiko. The card she reads might be a standard note of instructions from the producer, included with every such display of dried flowers, to inform the receiver about how to properly take care of the content.