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joined Jul 25, 2015

(song in english) (edit: thatanon ID'd it as More Than Words by Westlife)

NOOOO!!! Westlife slaughtered the song. Please save your ears ans listen to the original by a duo called 'Extreme'. Really love that song.

joined Jul 25, 2015

My god, I don't get the whole "Seju can't get over Sumin cos she keeps coming back for more" argument. It's time for one of those classic phrases...."It takes two to tango"! If Seju really wanted to move on then she could have refused Sumin.

To me, Seju seems so self-centred. That scene where she says "It's already been a month" in reference to Sumin's parents death seemed to me more like "It's already been a month, now forget about it and turn your attention back to me". If anyone has been unfortunate to lose someone close to them then you will know that a month is not enough time to mourn.

Also, the "she only cheated once, she deserves another chance" argument is ridiculous. It devalues the whole point of a relationship. And Seju wasn't completely hammered when she slept with that guy...Sumin called her out by mentioning the security guard. Sure, Sumin is no angel but Seju pushed her to be that way.

Sigh rant over.

joined Jul 25, 2015

I really wasn't expecting this chapter to turn so gritty and it's cruel to have this as the last chapter before a month long break. Seju looked so evil when she saw the TWO pairs of shoes. I will stop speculating now as my previous guesses were way off track.

I wasn't sure whether Sumin was relaying her past to Sungji or whether it was just a narration. Sumin deserves to be happy and she can only do that if she's cuts herself away from her past, away from Seju. I hope Sungji will be Sumin's saviour.

On a side note, the app is working fine for me but I'm on Android, My app got updated and now there are some English menus so easier to navigate.

joined Jul 25, 2015

That must be someone really close to Seju if he can go and sit by her bedside. Possibly a brother, distant relative or childhood friend.

I thought that Seju's whole family, bar her father, hated her so it was unexpected to see a "family member" check up on her. Whilst everyone was bitching about her in Ch19, he seemed to stay very quiet.

My wild theory is that if the guy is not blood-related then he must have somehow convinced Seju (whilst she's in her world of despair after the breakup) to marry him either for business-related matters/to get over Sumin. The scene at the end could be the guy telling Sumin that him and Seju are getting married and Sumin drops her bag in shock. That's my far-fetched guess and sure it'll be kicked to the kerb once translations are out.

I agree about Sumin's shoulder marks being a scar. Possibly self-harm?

joined Jul 25, 2015

That guy was in Ch 19 I think when Seju went to visit family. Either brother or (SHOCK) husband?

joined Jul 25, 2015

Can't complain about the SungjixSumin time over the last few chapters. I'm hoping in the next chapter we get to find out the background to the Sumin's tattoo.

At least FF is still going on. If both were to go on hiatus I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

kikio - on a side note, Sachiko-sama in gakuran is pure love!

joined Jul 25, 2015

WDFS chapter 24 is out in Lezhin +_+ I love how sneaky Sumin x Sungji are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

that lewd handholding ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Waw, i will drive home like crazy then. Cant wait XD

Health over yuri!

This was a sweet chapter. I'm glad Sumin is taking things slow with Sungji. It's love I tell you.

joined Jul 25, 2015

team sungjixsumin will be thrilled to see that scene

So so so happy \ (^ ^) /

Adorable how Sumin has to go on tiptoes...

I found that hilarious xD

Based on this I'm guessing things are looking good between Sung Ji and Sumin huh? (^^;;

That would be telling (^ <)

is there any nice soul who can send me raws ?

No raws. You have to buy through lezhin. Don't ask Halmoni either, unless you want to be KO'ed.

joined Jul 25, 2015

team sungjixsumin will be thrilled to see that scene

So so so happy \ (^ ^) /

Adorable how Sumin has to go on tiptoes...

joined Jul 25, 2015

Yeah, it would have been better if they didn't make Sungji so damn adorable then I could be indifferent to whatever outcome. If only there was a love line between Seju and Nammi then we would have two happy couples at the end.

joined Jul 25, 2015

Wait, so Sungji tells Sumin that she is her first love and then Sumin just goes and rendezvous with Seju!?!?

It's too harsh for the writers to make Sungji fall in love with Sumin only for Sumin to go back to Seju at the end of it. Nothing against Seju but Sungji > Seju.

joined Jul 25, 2015

I imagine in the first scene in Ch.21 Sungji will remember the advice her friend gave her:

When your eyes meet...

which kills off Sumin (and the mood).

I can't seem to figure out what Seju's is scheming. Maybe she is getting married, as someone said previously, and wants to someone to look after/care for Sumin when she's not around anymore, seeing as Sumin is so dependent on Seju. Or more simply she's trying to setup a menage a trois.