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joined Jul 4, 2015

Concerning the story:

I think it is an "okay" read.
The story is a little bit slow and not very deep or surprising. But the drawing style ist different enough to keep me interrested (also full colour, yay!). :)

The age-gap is a little weird.
They all look like in their early 20s and even in flashbacks they look exactly the same. But meh...

Concerning this whole procedure:

That said, will those chapters stay up? I don't see the need for having the troll chapter up, in any case.

The current chapter 1 will stay, because it was free in the first place from what I gather.

I don't think it matters legaly what people had to pay for it.
Even if it was for free, the author / publisher still holds all the rights to the material. Thus republishing it without their permission is still illegal. :)

Also guys, what is all this drama about?

Edit: Don't talk about future chapters by /u/ here. It's not encouraged.

last edited at Jul 4, 2015 1:08PM