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joined Jun 27, 2015

Awesome chapter. I love how Sato can just sweet talk her way out of dangerous situations. But I guess she got it from her screwed up possibly pedo 'aunt' and that's why she felt bitter complimenting Suu like that cause I guess the aunt used a similar tactic to give Sato a false sense of love. To be honest, I didn't expect Suu to be slightly crazy as well...but then again it's always the quiet ones you need to watch out for they say. But seriously though out of all the messed up characters in this manga that seem to revolve around Sato, I expected Suu to be one of the normal ones...oh well, maybe now we'll be seeing a little bit more of Suu and not just her in the background lol

joined Jun 27, 2015

I swear if i ever find a girl just like midori I'll make her my best friend for life...screw it i'll marry the girl if I had the chance

joined Jun 27, 2015

So, a random loli appears...not complaining though she's kinda cute. Honoka's other friends what's with the mask girl? Is she sick? A condition? Or is she really wearing it for the heck of it? I feel like she'll be like Kakashi and never reveal her face. Or they'll have some special chapter where she finally takes it off and she looks super cute or something. I do love however that Honoka's club friends are just as...eccentric, as she is. It would be great to see Elisha join the group.

Age 15 discussion 25 Apr 17:30
joined Jun 27, 2015

Ho boy crap is gettin real. Can't wait to find out what Yoshino wants with Ema. Also I'm not gonna lie, even though i predicted this to happen since the day those two met, I almost squealed when Miku and Anna kissed.

joined Jun 27, 2015

Most love problems could be solved with a simple orgy....just sayin

On a more serious note: I'm a little torn with Kaoru's character. Personally, I don't like the flirtatious types, especially if they actually manage to get multiple girls/guys with their flirting mind games. But reading through the comments i noticed Tamahime makes a good argument. Kaoru realizes she missed out on a great girlfriend like Shizuka and is trying (in her own way) to get her back. I do agree that people should get more chances in a relationship that doesn't go so well the first time, but you can only give a person but so many chances. At that point its best to realize that one should move on in a relationship, forgive but never forget ya know?

joined Jun 27, 2015

I swear Mahiru and Mahiro are gonna give me diabetes

joined Jun 27, 2015

I'm probably as sensitive as the senpai when it comes to being ticklish. One time these two girls I knew found out I was ticklish and they went crazy on me. It felt good and all to be tickled by two cute girls, the downside was that they were drunk and they didn't know when to stop...I thought I was going to suffocate from laughing so much...

joined Jun 27, 2015

I knew about the elbow one...but I actually tried the tongue and nose one and felt stupid when I read that she was joking lol

joined Jun 27, 2015

And another one

joined Jun 27, 2015

This would be gold if it didn't look like a sketch drawing

joined Jun 27, 2015

I gotta learn to use the bathroom before reading manga with watersports. I also love the description lol, prepare your pee holes indeed.

joined Jun 27, 2015

Came in blindly and I'll never regret it. Only 3 chapters in and never did I imagine that there would be so much drama and feels in a manga such as this with BDSM in it. Well done Mira, well done.