Forum › Posts by jyu

joined Jun 2, 2015

Unfortunately you have to pay on the mobile app (and then buy the chapter on the PC website) if you want to unlock the raws. I won't be posting any links to raws or translational progress because I want to keep the Korean raws down on lock. The author told us she didn't want us to translate it, and lezhin doesn't have a free system like comico/naver, so that's why I REALLLYYY don't want any Korean raws floating around. You'll just have to wait for the release on YP or Dynasty.

But I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you that I've already translated chapters 1-12. Now we just have to check and typeset everything.

Hey Halmoni, not sure if this is the right way to contact you but I couldn't find any pm system here. I was just wondering if you need help with the process? I would be glad to help you guys out in any way since I've been waiting forever for the translations. Let me know!