Forum › Posts by skaowor

joined May 17, 2015

He confessed and ask seola to date him and he was being serious etc but seola said she didnt see him as a man lol and wanted to maintain their older sister-younger brother relationship (errrrr youre being too nice seola TT)

But then he really did like her from the start, and acted dirty simply because that's the way he's got used to act with girls? Meaning he wasn't really that bad of a guy in the end. Anyway, nice friendzoning, Seol-a.

Okay so you're just going to excuse the fact that he tried to take of advantage of girls? What he did was basically date rape. Yes, he was unsuccessful with Seol-a but what about all the other girls that have gone out with him? It's a terrible and disgusting thing to do and shouldn't be excused no matter what. Personally, I would like to see him face the serious consequences of his actions rather than getting away with it as it seems to be happening right now. He is a bad person full stop. Having feelings for the person doesn't mean you get a free pass to violate them because it's ok! you actually like the person! Also I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not when you say "nice friendzoning". What I do have to say about "friendzoning" is that it's a term used in the context of a female not wanting to have a romantic or sexual relationship with a guy and then being placed at fault for rejecting a guy. It's just a misogynistic term in general because it removes the right of the person to make her own decision concerning her own feelings. It basically stems from men not being able to understand a simple "no".