Forum › Posts by kandi2428

joined Apr 26, 2015

I still haven't gotten the hang of quoting. But regarding age and schooling in Korea, yes you will often find men completing their post-secondary education at a later age than you would women. Yes, people enter school a bit later (in general, not all), and yes people take breaks or re-do their studies (attend hagwons, etc) to try to get into a better college. Everyone's case is a bit different but overall it's different by a year or two from students in the States. 23 and still in college is not uncommon at all.

joined Apr 26, 2015

I believe... that the people who are home when No-Rae arrives with her brother are: No-Rae's mother, No-Rae's sister-in-law, No-Rae's nephew, and Seol-A.

In Korea, it is not uncommon for students to be a couple of years than their counterparts in the US. Due to many factors. Also, is that the Korean age stated for No-Rae?