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joined Apr 12, 2015

Random Reader

I wanna give some suport to Nya-chan because i don't think this is quite correct: "If they are valid then the reactions will be much more mixed and some might even agree with you despite them really liking the story. However, if they seem like they don't make sense within the context of the story then yeah, people are going to oppose you rather harshly because your points are that. They don't make sense."

How so??

I don't think what Nya-chan is saying don't make sense, and i agree with her in most of the thing she say.
Maybe not with deus ex machina, but i think i understand what she is trying to say. Is like a little disappointing every time that the plot is not flowing by "normal circumstances". I mean that the autor choose but is unavoidable for you to not think, maybe other things were more realistics and suitable.

I have to say that i know that this is manga and if i like more realistic things i will see a movie or a serie or read a book. I enjoy FF for what is like, and i am entirely grateful with Halmoni for the traduction. Thanks Halmoni!!!

With this i wanted to calm down the things a bit, because don't think is a big mistake what she is saying.

joined Apr 12, 2015

Although I understand perfectly, I'm very bad writing in English. But I create an account to say that I agree on most of the things it says Nya-chan.
I will not go into details, because I don't think I can explain myself well. But I think you are being too hard on Nya-chan opinions. I don't think anyone not thought that was a bit clishe that no-rae overhear the conversation that the guys were having about Seola and the "champion".
I wanna give some suport to Nya-chan because i don't think this is quite correct: "If they are valid then the reactions will be much more mixed and some might even agree with you despite them really liking the story. However, if they seem like they don't make sense within the context of the story then yeah, people are going to oppose you rather harshly because your points are that. They don't make sense."

So sorry if i made mistakes while writing (Sobre todo en esta disculpa, no sabia como escribirla) xD