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joined Mar 23, 2015

Oh I should have done this in my first post but I just wanted to thanks Halmoni and any other translators for translating this. I think this is one of the best yuri mangas to come by in a long time, and I would not be able to enjoy it without your help and brilliance!

I think the next one will be a side chapter and likely about Norae. None of us really understand Norae and without going into her past, I don't think we will figure it out. She's awfully angsty when she's usually a carefree kid.


joined Mar 23, 2015

I finally read through every single chapter of FF today and really appreciate the pacing, although the immediate turndown of Ji Hwan came out of nowhere.

One thing that I think should make a come back is the promise Norae made to Seola in the classroom, which is that she wouldn't leave her, and Norae doesn't make promises easily. What she's doing now is the opposite of what she's promised though.

Ssamba also made it clear that Norae and Gyeong Woo (sp?) have similar eyes so Seola seems to be nicer than average to the boy.
I don't see him as a threat but as an annoyance.

I wonder if Ji Hwan will make another appearance and try again? I guess it's pretty blatant that they have the male version of each other waiting around but they don't want it. I think it's been much more clear on Norae's side.

It's sweet/sad how Norae is going over every moment they shared and so she's late for school/can't sleep.

I am not fully sure even after the re-read when Seola understood that she's in love, because it seems like she never really struggled with it heavily except in thinking she probably has no shot, and at least she can have Norae to herself as long as possible. I don't think she thinks Norae could ever reciprocate, right?