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Stretch discussion 28 Dec 10:01
joined Mar 5, 2015

The colored chapter is really pretty! I love that panel with just the petals and their shoes. Alas, no yuri.

In other news... anyone want the first three volumes of Stretch? They're in perfect condition, and free, provided you pay for shipping. The ending of Stretch has left me with a bad taste in my mouth. :(

joined Mar 5, 2015

Really happy I stumbled upon this!

Candy discussion 22 Oct 21:42
joined Mar 5, 2015

Just started this and I'm delighted; it's so simple and sweet. I'd love to read more from this mangaka ;_;

joined Mar 5, 2015

Too cute!

Stretch discussion 14 Oct 22:35
joined Mar 5, 2015

I feel like throwing the three volumes I bought in the trash, considering how much potential was wasted here. I've never seen something so lazy, yuri-end or otherwise.

Stretch discussion 26 Aug 20:35
joined Mar 5, 2015

Do it

Stretch discussion 15 Jul 14:45
joined Mar 5, 2015

Ah, the last panel. I feel at peace.

Stretch discussion 03 Jun 18:50
joined Mar 5, 2015

As soon as I saw "Ran, baby" I knew it was going to be a good chapter

Stretch discussion 14 May 23:32
joined Mar 5, 2015

Hey guys, the third volume extras and color chapter are up. Terribly sorry for the delay—finals are killing me. Enjoy!

Stretch discussion 11 May 03:45
joined Mar 5, 2015

That naked backside...
If you draw too much loli you'll forget what grown up women look like, don't do it kids.

Aw, I kind of like the way he draws Ran. She's very top heavy, and so her body is proportioned with that in mind. True hourglass figures are rare in real life, anyway.

Also, we hit 100 pages. Nice.

Stretch discussion 07 May 06:05
joined Mar 5, 2015

Gosh, Keiko's hair looks cute like that.

As in Mophead's words, if Ran ever wants to get out of the friendzone, she has to establish a basis for attraction, because Keiko doesn't seem to be attracted romantically to Ran at all. She's just comfortable with her around (no more bad dreams and no more loneliness).

Since you don't think there's any romantic attraction on Keiko's part, I was wondering how you interpreted the whole honmei choco scene? Because it struck me as pretty dang romantic, with her blushing and all. Their interactions can sometimes feel like a middle ground between platonic and romantic, but that scene definitely isn't one of them.

As for the child thing, we actually don't know if Keiko can have one anymore. A miscarriage with complications may well make her unable to ever bear child again. Which would explain her pushing her boyfriend away.

Could be the case, but it didn't seem like there were any complications, plus she's still young and healthy. Usually infertility isn't even considered until you've had more than two miscarriages consecutively. Still, the risk for a recurrence is higher once you've had one. I don't know if she could go through that again :(

Stretch discussion 02 May 00:26
joined Mar 5, 2015

Good news

Already available the cover of the third volume and frankly I must say that Ran is incredibly beautiful and I'm already counting the days to have the three volumes in my hands.
Third volume

She looks gorgeous! I preordered it awhile back but now I'm even more excited.

Stretch discussion 15 Apr 16:55
joined Mar 5, 2015

That last page! Yeeeees.

Stretch discussion 02 Apr 14:09
joined Mar 5, 2015

Btw, bonus points for the "April 1st sunday" (2012). 1 year after Tohoku earthquake. Details are everything here.

Wow, I never would have caught that!

Stretch discussion 02 Apr 04:44
joined Mar 5, 2015

These two sure are special...

You mean special special or special in a mentally challenged way? Just asking because that's how almost everyone always uses that word here...

Hahah, more like in a dorky way. Guess it depends on where you're from. I really liked their interactions this chapter.

Stretch discussion 02 Apr 03:55
joined Mar 5, 2015

These two sure are special...

Stretch discussion 27 Mar 19:15
joined Mar 5, 2015

Something that I only remembered now thanks to the extra chapter, the volume version have other extras like illustrations right? Will they also be uploaded?

The translator says on their blog that those will be uploaded, eventually.

Stretch discussion 23 Mar 03:20
joined Mar 5, 2015

Good news.

Volume 3 has appeared on Amazon, its release date is May 12, 2015 and will have 136 pages. By the way, Jnko, you can already pre-order, xd.

Noted :)

Stretch discussion 10 Mar 23:11
joined Mar 5, 2015

jnko, you're my new hero, and I had wanted to see this material and besides that quality of your scans is very good, which is something I appreciate. I have written in the blog of the translator about the new scans, we only need to wait for their response.

Thanks! Though I'm still not too confident about the quality—I didn't have the heart to debind it. Hopefully the translator feels up to it.

It'd be a good idea to message the translator and see if he'll be up for it. There will probably be a third volume out soon, if you're getting it will you be uploading the extras and colored pages from it?

Yeah, I'll be buying the third volume as soon as I'm able, so I'll be sure to post when I upload it.

Stretch discussion 10 Mar 06:56
joined Mar 5, 2015

And since I finally got around to it:,j4lo2rizzokh1cb,i5d73bud2cukr0i/shared
Includes the unseen color chapter from the second volume, along with all the extras. I'd love to see this stuff get translated, so if you want, have at it!