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joined Feb 5, 2015


ok can we just back to the MAIN topic :P?

Not yet, I'm curious why Ssoma don't like Halmoni.


I guess Ssome is still salty from our past arguments, and hasn't moved on.

Was that argument about What Does the Fox Say or you already knew her before?

And how fortunate Dynasty is, we already have an anon to complain about crack pairings, now we have one to complain about scalation of korean webcomics, yay......

Ikr, that anon is a huge bummer cuz boy, there's a lotta swearing there lol
The argument includes things about WDFS ("you only stopped translating after you got caught," "the artist was thinking about suing you," "i told them on you" etc etc) but she also throws in some other bs, which I'm sure is just her regular repertoire of trolling. I think all of this would make more sense if she were fluent in english and submersed in the western culture, but she's not and she somehow made her way into yuri boards here and started covering the walls with korean. It's like finding that one awkward pigeon among geese...or something to that effect.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Team Gaji wrote in the special number that she was delayed in finishing chapter 16, and she'll be uploading it tomorrow (Thursday) yayy

And I second what mikasa said above

joined Feb 5, 2015

Tensions are super high here, damn. May I make a request to the moderator (Nezchan?) to delete the posts between the Korean anon and Halmoni, cuz the Korean anon (I don't know if it's the same person who keeps making random accounts to post like 2 posts at a time) is outright harassing Halmoni about things that have already passed.

What's your point, 존나웃겨? You asked them to stop translating and distributing illegally. They stopped. Back the hell off now, we're good. Thank you for being a social justice warrior for the artists, but your crusade is no longer welcomed if all that it consists of is profanities at a translator. Unless you are officially affiliated with Team Gaji or Lezhin, it really is none of your business should they decide to take matter into their own hands and pursue the issue with actual legal repercussions. You've done your job, you can go now.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Success!!! haha
No Rae isn't a flight risk anymore, but she's still super cautious, so I betcha she'll overthink and become paranoid that Seol A has figured out No Rae's romantic feelings towards her. No Rae would probably retract into her bubble more, being scared of putting off Seol A more than she has already (she'd probably think Seol A's behaviour changed due to her being uncomfortable with homosexuality).

Darn, that makes so much sense. But here's to wishful thinking until Monday :<

Oh wait, just had a thought. What if the sudden near-death situation has influenced No-Rae so much that she decides to tell Seol-A her feelings even though she becomes paranoid ^^

I really do hope that happens T.T Ssamba's storytelling can be predictable at times, and completely unexpected at others. Here's to wishing the near-death situation acts as a catalyst for them!

joined Feb 5, 2015

Anyway, it seems to head in the direction of "the feelings are mutual, but now they both think they will be rejected by the other, so frustration ensues (both for them and the readers)".

Yup, that seems to be the consensus among the majority of the readers.

Or No-Rae realizes why Seol-A is acting strange in the next chapter and then...

Success!!! haha
No Rae isn't a flight risk anymore, but she's still super cautious, so I betcha she'll overthink and become paranoid that Seol A has figured out No Rae's romantic feelings towards her. No Rae would probably retract into her bubble more, being scared of putting off Seol A more than she has already (she'd probably think Seol A's behaviour changed due to her being uncomfortable with homosexuality).

joined Feb 5, 2015

Anyway, it seems to head in the direction of "the feelings are mutual, but now they both think they will be rejected by the other, so frustration ensues (both for them and the readers)".

Yup, that seems to be the consensus among the majority of the readers.

joined Feb 5, 2015

The flashbacks are all from No-Rae (when she had long hair also). No flashback of "high school".

And Seol-a doing squash reminds me of Ayame-14, with the girl doing sit-ups to calm down her agitation.

Sorry I wasn't clear. I was referring to the high school flashbacks (not in chapter 39, but previous ones) with the long black haired girl that SeolA used to be friends with. Obviously, anyone with eyes can see that no flashbacks of "high school" were featured in ch.39.

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 1:50AM

joined Feb 5, 2015

THANK YOU LESBIAN (or maybe Bisexual?) JESUS
There was a really interesting comment on the app (by jakan1234 if you're interested) in regards to ep.39. This person thinks that, based on SeolA's comment ("younger sister," my ass) and her troubled attitude, SeolA has had feelings for girls previously (probs in high school cuz flashbacks). She probably met a lot of guys in hopes of changing her prospects, but she was never really into any of them. While she was getting fed up with the endless dating chain, she met NoRae, who sparked those (gay) feelings of love she had when she was younger (which explains all the references to that random girl). And yeah, the commenter also thinks we'll be in for a long ride since they both assume that the other is hetero, and thus, try to hide their (gay) feelings.

I think this is the most plausible background I've heard so far, and I quite agree. SeolA is as gay as a little kid on Christmas morning, and NoRae is most likely bi.

joined Feb 5, 2015

So ridiculous with some of the nitpicking this story gets. A car in a garage that still works AND has gas in it? That's impossible! There she goes again with the deus ex machina. What a hack this writer is. She should've at least shown Seol-a going to the gas station to fill up!

LOL yeah I saw that, I'm not sure if I'm impressed or shocked. Both, maybe.
Just cuz a car's in a garage, it doesn't mean that it's not working/has no gas in it. Korea's not like North America, so a car in a garage doesn't necessarily equate to "haven't been driven in years." And from the implications from their dialogue, SeolA's brother is a car/motorbike lover who treats motor vehicles like his babies. And he tells her where to find the spare keys, which means that he has the primary set of keys with him, which implies he uses it at some point. It's safe to assume they're well maintained.

joined Feb 5, 2015

I actually think SeolA and NoRae's relationship would improve slightly. Either they'll talk through their misunderstandings so they're on (at least) speaking terms again, or both of them might come to understand that there IS something going on between the two of them and create a "more than friends" atmosphere (even more serious than as it stands). But I also agree there will be some setup for the ex's arrival, and just as things are starting to look up - BAM! Ssamba will hit us with more angst.

Also, the comments for this manhwa (on the comico website) is the best. The most voted one for ep31 is:
"Don't fight T_T But SeolA has a lot of determination. Usually, if someone says those sort of things [what NoRae said to SeolA], the relationship gets sour. But you just can't give up, can you SeolA? (smile)"
"I really didn't think NoRae would be the one to do this first lolololol I thought SeolA would be the first one to realize her feelings, then push NoRae away, then get jealous and upset lololololol But NoRae's doing it first lolololol yasssss"
then there's
"If she just went driving to blow off some steam, I'm gonna kill someone"

I seriously keep up with this comic partially because of the comments.

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 1:14PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Damn, this pain is too real. Something similar happened to me, once. It's such a huge betrayal.
Ruki really should've punched her in the face. Going back and reading previous chapters, there are hints that Sacchan isn't very invested in Ruki - she doesn't seem attracted to her and makes excuses for herself for detachment with "Ruki deserves someone better" and crap. I doubt that Sacchan finds Remi any more physically attractive than Ruki. But she definitely knows how Remi is, and I wonder if the immoral part of Remi is what Sacchan is attracted to. And Remi, being the World Wide Bitch that she is, finds Sacchan's weakness, attacks her ego and gets her defenseless so she'd submit to the sex. So much rage at Remi right now.