Forum › Posts by appelkoek

joined Nov 5, 2014

Nah thats okay, aromantic basically means that an aro person does not experience romantic attraction so no aromantics do not actually fall in love. They can or may want however to be in a fulfilling romantic relationship they just won't feel any romantic attraction to their partner.
Someone said that even aromantics can fall in love eventually but they can't, that would mean they are demi.
Also once again I'm aro and I enjoy romance stories? One does not negate the other, and thinking I should fall in love and feeling like something wrong with me was exactly what happened to me too.
I don't think the author meant to do this, tbh I don't even know if most people in Japan know what aro is so I'm not expecting that the MC is, I'm just sayin that she is written as aro because everything she feels I can closely relate to as an aro person

joined Nov 5, 2014

I don't mean to label her, I'm more absolutely frustrated that she is written as aro regardless of the fact whether the author actually knows what that is and then totally subverting it by making her fall in love(which is the most likely where the manga is going I mean look at the title). It's a slap to the face as if saying being aro is something that should and could be fixed you know?

joined Nov 5, 2014

I myself am on the aro spectrum and the way she is written is aro, not asexual perse. She says she has never felt romantic attraction to anyone, she hasn't mentioned sexual attraction AT ALL so her being ace isn't a conclusion I can make from the chapters we have now.
I hope she's aro, it would be the first time I'd see myself represented in a manga which obviously would mean a lot