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joined Oct 26, 2014

Omg! This is so hilarious!! Can't wait for more chapters

last edited at Feb 23, 2019 10:57PM

Image Comments 25 Aug 15:42
joined Oct 26, 2014

Does anyone knows why this series was cancelled?

Image Comments 21 Jun 19:43
joined Oct 26, 2014


Magan&Danai discussion 13 Jun 01:51
joined Oct 26, 2014

So refreshing for yuri. Some may not be open to this but I like it!!! Yuri stories is more than unoriginal all-girls school life. There should be choices and different's called diversity. Yuri is far behind in that respect.

I won't say anything about yuri in general since I only have access to the small part that gets translated, but even among these, there are different scenarios, many of which are quite interesting (there is also interesting school life stuff). The same applies even more to the stuff we've recently been getting here (thai, chinese, korean...): it's just too few stuff to make these kind of judgements.

Need I post my cliche argument here too? (I think not, I get where the OP is coming from). A little funny that yuri, a topic surrounding people who are terribly misjudged by stereotypes, is being misjudged by stereotypes.

Important to remember that yuri isn't all cookie-cutter, all-girls, sempai-kouhai, gay-until-grad, sex-after-one-date-and-sometimes-less kinda thing. I mean even the bland stuff out there (not saying the above is bland by definition) I'll read because hey. 'S yuri. But if you wanna find good stuff just browse a tag that suits your interests and find authors you like a lot. Whether here on DS or anywhere else.

Making judgments? Stereotyping? Huh, okay. I apologize for my original post. Just please do not label me or my post as a stepping stone for an argument. We do not know one all. However, I do appreciate being educated about how well-rounded and broad the yuri genre is. And again, I apologize for my original post.

(Edit: Posts combined by mod so they make more sense)

last edited at Jun 13, 2015 9:00AM

Magan&Danai discussion 11 Jun 20:16
joined Oct 26, 2014

So refreshing for yuri. Some may not be open to this but I like it!!! Yuri stories is more than unoriginal all-girls school life. There should be choices and different's called diversity. Yuri is far behind in that respect.

joined Oct 26, 2014

Wow. That's a quick confession but it doesn't bother me at all.

joined Oct 26, 2014

Yesssss! Something different for a change

joined Oct 26, 2014

I'll reiterate, I don't think it'll happen. It was an idea that I said in passing because I thought if someone as capable as Jin were to write a story like that, it would be wonderful. I've felt bad for Mihashi since this came out...even though she did something very immature and idiotic, she's still a person with real feelings. If we never see her again, then that would be fine too. Just a spark of a thought that crossed some synapse of my brain.

It's my fault as well for going so far on what was at first a joking remark. I really can't see how it would be wonderful, I can only see it as bad writing, and including her would be just for the sake of drama, and that to me is stupid. She may be a person with real feelings but she did what she did to herself, I can only see her get worse if she comes back, which I can't comprehend how she could do that if you account for the fact that she cheated and got told to pretty much 'fuck off' by the person she supposedly loves.

Regardless if that was your intent for bringing her back just for drama, in my opinion that's just shoddy writing. That's not to say you can't enjoy it of course, but if that happened I'd drop it immediately.

Lets end it here (:

Oh this isn't really an argument so much as a debate. It's good talk...I like hearing other people's opinions. Again, if you don't like it and think it's shoddy writing, then I respect that. I didn't find anything to be particularly aggressive, no worries :)

joined Oct 26, 2014

I just read this story recently. Amazing! I like where this story is going. Why is there a huge gap between updates?