Forum › Posts by Rex-Imperial

joined Sep 24, 2014

no problem :)

joined Sep 24, 2014

sorry, but i may asking in wrong place... because i dont know where to requesting
is a work of my friend from same circle, he made it last year and selling it at some local event. is his decision is to uploaded our work in 1/2~1 year after we sell it at the event.

what i want to ask is can i uploaded his work here? of cource the artist is fully know about it, he want to his work can reached more reader and of couce to promoting himself.

thanks :)

joined Sep 24, 2014

uh.. how to give some link without getting detected as spam....


joined Sep 24, 2014

sorry, but i read the artist doesnt like her doujin get uploaded. she even post about it in her blog (can't give the link, the post detect it as spam)
i know it's internet tough...