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Mentality discussion 22 Nov 18:03
joined Aug 22, 2014

Wow everything about the women's dress to her string like panties (how the sides looked) just screamed easy access~ overall this was a very sophisticated sexy story

joined Aug 22, 2014

I personally think the part with them as kids is appropriate. Regardless of what laws say and how adults think. Children some even younger than these two lovebirds do experiment early and it does and can lead to sex. Just saying just because people find Loli wrong, disgusting, or just gross it doesn't stop it from happening. Whether the experience is a fortunately pleasant one or an unfortunately bad one.

Not bashing anyone for their opinions I'm just sharing my own is all.

Back to the this. The doujinshi was really cute and innocent especially sticking to the ideology your first kiss will taste of lemons. Oh man the ending; with the promise of marriage and that kiss tasting of lemons. Brought it all home!~~ I loved it, it was sweet, nsfw fluff kudos to the author!!!

Black Lagoon Yuri? 22 Aug 22:05
joined Aug 22, 2014

I just realized out of all the black lagoon hentai and or doujinshi. I've never seen a yuri done for this anime/manga. Why hasn't this been touched???!!! I mean come on!! The hardcore tough Revy x the cunning undercover cia Eda. Or Balaika x Revy. Crazy maid Roberta (from Roberta's blood trail) x Revy? There's sooo many pairing here!! Crack pairing Sawyer x Revy. There's just so much to work with I'm honestly surprised. O.O