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Citrus discussion 13 Aug 18:46
joined Aug 13, 2014

This is one of those mangas I love, but where I hate a character I like.
I just hate how passive Mei is in the most ridiculus scenarios. It is so easy to win this for her, yet she does nothing. She could beat up Matsuri, take the phone and go to Yuzu with it to tell her that Matsuri tricked her into kissing her. If she just told her about the blackmail and right afterwards confesses her feelings, Yuzu probably be too happy to not belive her.

She could still save this by going to the date with Yuzu as a backup. I mean, ANY sensible human being would outraged at Matsuri for blackmailing Mei and more so for sending her on a forced date with some male/female creep. Even someone as retarded as Yuzu should be able to see that Matsuri is evil then.

She can only win this, but I'm afraid Mei has fallen victim to the Reputation-Syndrom, where an author tries to justify the sudden retardation of a smart character by acting as if wanting to safe your Reputation would suddenly make your brain incapable of coming up with a smart escape from the situation. OMG my reputation is at risk, obviously there is no other way to escape this situation than to do exactly what the blackmailer wants me to do!!

I just noticed how often this is used even in Western TV when I saw crime show today where one of the main characters pointed out how ridiculus those persons where being, as if the show was written by two authors and the second one made fun of the first one for using that stupid trope.

last edited at Aug 13, 2014 6:51PM