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joined Aug 8, 2014

hua and senti are completely different people so idk about that selfcest. does need the age gap tag tho

joined Aug 8, 2014

live paimon reaction D:

Citrus discussion 28 Oct 20:15
joined Aug 8, 2014

If you try to take this manga seriously, you'll be disappointed. Just sit back, read, and enjoy the

gratuitous groping

like the rest of us.

Do you think I would be sitting here, talking about CHAPTER TWELVE if I had, even for a moment, tried to take it seriously? :D That doesn't make the groping any less ridiculous, even by Citrus standards. Thus, throwing popcorn at the screen, laughing hysterically, and calling the characters "useless lesbians".

Citrus discussion 28 Oct 20:05
joined Aug 8, 2014

I have only one thing to say on Chapter 12: THAT IS NOT A HEART, YOU USELESS LESBIANS, IT'S A BREAST.

The heart is actually roughly under that location (upper left-side of the human body from said human's perspctive), although it is slightly, very slightly, higher and to the right. I suppose if a girl's heart was beating hard enough, you could still feel it underneath the breast but I don't know about more normal heart rates.

You know, I've actually tried that after a run one day and it didn't work, and I'm not what you'd call busty. But that's not the point at all. The point is the gratuitous groping going on. It just struck me as very silly.

Citrus discussion 28 Oct 19:21
joined Aug 8, 2014

I have only one thing to say on Chapter 12: THAT IS NOT A HEART, YOU USELESS LESBIANS, IT'S A BREAST.

:D We could discuss the plot, of course, but I'm greatly concerned by that great yawning chasm of a gap in both Mei and Yuzu's education. Youths these days.