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Still Sick discussion 21 Dec 04:57
joined Apr 27, 2014

How many chapters are out for this and are the raws accessible online somewhere?

joined Apr 27, 2014

Do you guys think Ssamba will end the story when they get together or will she fulfill all our wishes and write fluff chapters about their lives together after that too? Really really hoping she continues after they get together.

I feel like we'll be getting a confession pretty soon. The next chapter's definitely going to be an important one so since this is supposed to be a 100 chapter long story, I'm pretty sure we'll get some post-relationship interaction. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part tho

joined Apr 27, 2014

I don't mind the slow buildup as long as in the end the story doesn't just end with:

i like u................................
i think i kinda do too....
both blush
the end.

I'm more interested in their interactions after they're a thing but maybe that's just me

joined Apr 27, 2014

I havent even read the chapter yet but id like to thank not only god but also jesus for continuing this

joined Apr 27, 2014

soooo any idea when the next chapter is getting translated?

I guess it depends on
The chinese raw is already out.

yeah thats why I asked cuz she hasn't been active for like a month now..

last edited at Nov 8, 2015 7:03AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

soooo any idea when the next chapter is getting translated?

joined Apr 27, 2014

I think the greatest part about the popularity of FF on Comico is not just that it benefits Ssamba personally, but it increases confidence in publishing yuri. Other artists or publishers can point to FF and say "this sells, we can work with this".

hm not only that but they're going to be like ok so we DON'T need big boob and unnecessary sexualization and basically u know how most of the mainstream yuri is like. FF is so simple and so natural. I really hope in the future more people can write stuff like this tbh and i think ssamba has done an amazing job.

Well no, I don't know what mainstream Korean yuri is like. Hell, given only a portion of what's produced is translated, I don't even have a clear idea of what the Japanese market is like. But I gather there's not much produced in Korea, so hopefully this will encourage more.

nah i didn't mean the korean market in particular, we all know there's not much there. And yeah with fluttering feelings as the foundation, any future yuri should have atleast some standard to look upto. Japanese yuri varies alot and there are only a few artists who can actually write a good story WITHOUT either 1- forcing the yuri element or 2- overusing it to the point that the plot becomes nonexistent. neverthless the future for yuri in korea looks bright, just hoping the momentum doesn't die out and it all ends up going to waste

joined Apr 27, 2014

I think the greatest part about the popularity of FF on Comico is not just that it benefits Ssamba personally, but it increases confidence in publishing yuri. Other artists or publishers can point to FF and say "this sells, we can work with this".

hm not only that but they're going to be like ok so we DON'T need big boob and unnecessary sexualization and basically u know how most of the mainstream yuri is like. FF is so simple and so natural. I really hope in the future more people can write stuff like this tbh and i think ssamba has done an amazing job.

joined Apr 27, 2014

how many chapters are out so far?


is there any link to the raws or

I don't have the raws but here you can view chinese scans.

sweet. hey thanks alot! :D

joined Apr 27, 2014

how many chapters are out so far?


is there any link to the raws or

joined Apr 27, 2014

how many chapters are out so far?

joined Apr 27, 2014

seriously tho is no other group planning to pick this up? such a waste...

I think Lililicious is still TLing it.

We are, but there are other things higher up on the priority list at the moment. We'll get there though!

oh well then i'm glad it hasn't been abandoned..thanks

joined Apr 27, 2014

seriously tho is no other group planning to pick this up? such a waste...

I think Lililicious is still TLing it.

man its been like a year i wish they'd atleast prioritize it

joined Apr 27, 2014

jesus christ why isn't this being updated? It's not everyday that you get all female rock band yuris with superb art...seriously tho is no other group planning to pick this up? such a waste...

joined Apr 27, 2014
Some new fanart. on a completely different note how do u comment with pictures omg.....
ALSO!!! if you like the art pls like/reblog from their blog. They're a good friend of mine and honestly they deserve more publicity!!

joined Apr 27, 2014

this is definitely going to continue for a long time. the manhwa that is. bless.

joined Apr 27, 2014

rofl No-rae how do you sit on a warm lap and not notice? Is your couch heated?

Wasn't expecting something like that to happen, but I'll take it!

lmao my sentiments exactly...i don't get how she didn't notice an entire person sitting there and just flopped down and the best part is SEOL-A DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING FOR A WHILE SHE JUST WENT ALONG WITH IT idk i cant stop laughing

joined Apr 27, 2014

Yeah seol-a still hasnt figured out her feelings so i dont think she had those intentions.

Haa forgive me if this is already discussed but has no rae figured her own feelings yet? if so then no wonder she looked so panicked

yeah she more or less has. Judging from the conversation she had with her brother about choosing the 'right' path and all.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I cant believe it happened. So its Seola who made the first move. She's so bold lol. I'm loving this series so much

Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. I am not sure I would call that a "move." It actually seems like a pretty normal "Seol-a" sorta thing to do, especially considering No-rae's attitude recently.

Yeah seol-a still hasnt figured out her feelings so i dont think she had those intentions. and also am i the only one who found seol-a's smile in the last panel a bit...weird? Idk i might be reading a bit too much into it