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Citrus discussion 10 Apr 05:48
joined Apr 10, 2014

No h8. Je ne comprends pas pour quoi vous n'aimez pas moi. Je suis merely recommending. So that vous pouvez un alternative to wait for deux moins.

Citrus discussion 10 Apr 05:34
joined Apr 10, 2014

And guys i just wanna share some good fanfics i found about citrus. You may or may not like it but it kinda gave me feels and it's a good alternate for wait 2 months. & also

Citrus discussion 10 Apr 05:31
joined Apr 10, 2014

I like Citrus even tho it's cliche. I still find it exciting and I like the characters. Especially Matsuri. Love her. That's yuri project for all you guys hard work