Seriously so many things wrong with that, it could be for pleasure or maybe she was scared of being a virgin or anything and that would be a half decent reason but nope just doing it cause she was gonna have it anyway..........
These are two "valid" reasons to loose your virginity when you are a teen or young adult and "just to get it over with" is one too. For me it was a mix of these and I didn't really thought about it at the time. That came years later.
Also, the "But did I really consider that... just now" probably means she considered train suicide ( which is a common and pretty successful way of committing suicide ).
nah she might be thinking there're casualty by the quake and delighted by the tought.
Oh that makes more sense, well that's even more dark of a thought, wish harm on others. I see why she was taken aback and why she looked down on herself again for still being the same.
I thought of train suicide, too, but Schadenfreude really makes more sense.
The last 2 chapters made my Yurisense tingle. But it doesnt matter anymore, its a great read and I really don't see forced drama here. The story goes over a long stretch of time which makes the things that happend quite realistic.