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Kase-san discussion 23 Jul 16:04
joined Aug 17, 2013

Amazing manga! Btw does somebody know when will the raw of chap 13 be available?

Citrus discussion 22 Sep 05:06
joined Aug 17, 2013

haha be my guest, boring person. Why the hell are you an admin anyway? x)

Because I'm in charge of everything. I'm the head guy. Anything else you'd like to say while you can?

Yeah, I can see that. Haha whatever dude

Citrus discussion 21 Sep 19:00
joined Aug 17, 2013

The chapters are not updated. There are six chapters, too bad. This is really good. Mei is cruel, there is only indifference on his part. lol

oh good, you're banned!

Don't you have other things to do? He/she didn't even talk about when chapter 6 will come out. I gotta say : wtf?

No. So don't test me.

haha be my guest, boring person. Why the hell are you an admin anyway? x)

Citrus discussion 21 Sep 15:34
joined Aug 17, 2013

The chapters are not updated. There are six chapters, too bad. This is really good. Mei is cruel, there is only indifference on his part. lol

oh good, you're banned!

Don't you have other things to do? He/she didn't even talk about when chapter 6 will come out. I gotta say : wtf?

Citrus discussion 02 Sep 06:34
joined Aug 17, 2013

We're waiting for chapter 6...

Citrus discussion 29 Aug 07:56
joined Aug 17, 2013

Hey people, I got a question for you...

I mean, even though this story is pretty awesome and stuff, is it me or Mei just doen't give a funion about Yuzu? It's pretty sad!

  1. We don't have much information about Mei, so it's almost impossible to guess the reasons for her behaviour (drama everywhere).
  2. There are many (sometimes adorable, but always stupid) people who treat the person they like as badly as possible. "Today I'm very kind and sweet with you (can't help it... I'm weak once in a while), but tomorrow I'll show you my (d)evil face, making you feel like a good piece of shit (defensive mode ON)"---> Note: yeah, I'm one of those :genius: ¬¬
  3. I agree with your idea Yuzu/Harumin, while Mei is eaten up with jealousy... but, somehow, it would be that obvious that I don't want it to happen :)

It is right to say that we do not have any information about Mei, that it is pretty difficult for her to express her feelings and stuff, but come on, there's no development in here whatsoever. Oh wait, what am I saying, she has started calling Yuzu by her first name, WOW. There are 5 chapters so far, it's not much I guess but I'm still really starting to wonder if the story is gonna be more than Yuzu being rejected on every chapter haha!

No but seriously, it is really interesting but personally I've stopped hoping for Mei to "wake up". She's a way too difficult character for me! In real life I wouldn't stand her at all :3

Citrus discussion 21 Aug 05:18
joined Aug 17, 2013

I think we all agree with you shadow8321... when I really think about it I'm pretty sure that something is probably gonna happen between Yuzu and her friend, Mei is gonna get jealous and that's when it's gonna start beeing interesting ;)

Citrus discussion 20 Aug 15:48
joined Aug 17, 2013

Basically we're just gonna wait another 2 months for... more frustration.

(I'm still looking forward though!)

Citrus discussion 19 Aug 13:06
joined Aug 17, 2013

Well said

Citrus discussion 19 Aug 06:00
joined Aug 17, 2013

Exactly! It's like I get all excited when I know a new chapter has been released but once I read it... I can't help but hope that Yuzu will just go for her friend and stop being so blind..

Citrus discussion 17 Aug 13:09
joined Aug 17, 2013

Hey people, I got a question for you...

I mean, even though this story is pretty awesome and stuff, is it me or Mei just doen't give a funion about Yuzu? It's pretty sad!