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No,1 discussion 05 Dec 14:46
joined Jul 30, 2013

I don't normally post here, but I just wanted to drop in and thank the kind anons who worked on this (if they're even reading this). I've had the physical copy of the second installment in my possession for a while so it was really great to see everything translated, and to finally be able to know that the ending wasn't as angsty as I'd feared. Lovely editing work as well, kudos to the editor for the "shoujo" text break on page 25.

joined Jul 30, 2013

I actually got Ninamori from FLCL vibes from Ueno.

joined Jul 30, 2013

After this last chapter, I'm a bit torn between Miss Sunflower/Camera-senpai and Miss Sunflower/Old Miss Sunflower (yeah, even though she's dead).

joined Jul 30, 2013

Sweet, I had thought the series would end without them getting to play together!

Chika does something cliche by cutting her hair, then something not-so-cliche by getting extremely fired up. Her determination is commendable (and hiliarous). I love it.

joined Jul 30, 2013

Maasa is great. I'm rooting for a Maasa/Fue ending.