Owner/operator of yuri-ism scans here. I wasn't expecting a sticky, but I'll answer a few questions.
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2. ...
3. We will not be providing books for any of her precure doujins. We will on originals though. The reason for this is because Japanese copyright and American copyright are two different things. Japanese copyright chooses to ignore doujins, US copyright may not. I've talked to the 2 biggest English hentai book companies and both have told me that they cannot print parody doujins. I'm aware doujinpress does, but what they do isn't really legal, they put up a legal page that essentially says "don't sue us, we're not printing very many, it's not worth your time." this doesn't work for bigger companies. As they aren't going to limit their sales to appease such a thing.
A question related to this. Precure doujins won't get translated? or even digitally published? I'm just confused because most of her work that I like are Precure related and if nobody is going to translate them anymore, I don't think I have the wallet to regularly buy those doujins directly from Japan D: Kinda wish that Isya would make her work available digitally
Also, to be noted, doujins are sold-out easily after a period of time, so having a plan to pile them up together(so that it can cut shipping and forwarding service costs) in the shopping cart of an online doujin shop is not going to work.
Lastly, congrats to Yuri-ism for this collab! I hope in the near future this kind of thing will happen more often with other yuri mangaka!
last edited at Jan 1, 2015 11:09PM