Forum › Posts by bentokento

joined Jul 5, 2024

While I'm not trans, it's crazy how I relate to some of Kazuki's issues, mainly with how society is so divided by gender and how frustrating it is. To me, it's ridiculous how people just put these labels on others just because people look a certain way.

I didn't really like girly things growing up. Preferred to play with Legos, liked action cartoons, and didn't like wearing dresses because of how flimsy they were (still don't). But I also liked plushies, kept my hair long, and loved small, cute animals (still do). But that wasn't enough for the adults in my life. I was always told to "act more ladylike" and "girls don't behave like that" for things like talking too loud or even eating certain foods. No joke, my mom told me that girls should eat less meat because "boys like meat, not girls."

Even now as an adult, I still get unnecessary comments that are just annoying. I've had friends and acquaintances tell me that I have the personality of a man (more assertive, straightforward with my words, willing to take charge of a situation or crisis, etc.), "even though you look very feminine." Someone even confronted me about my gender identity and said I was a transman who hadn't come out of his egg yet just because I wear leather jackets and don't wear makeup often. Granted, that person was a moron and incredibly closed-minded. Not excusing or defending them, but just know they're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas lights string.

People are really weird about these things. Imo, life would be way less stressful if we focused less on these labels and more on the individual.

joined Jul 5, 2024

I read this in their voices lmao

last edited at Aug 20, 2024 7:25AM